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  1. Our Story. The P2P Foundation (officially, The Foundation for P2P Alternatives) is a non-profit organization and global network dedicated to advocacy and research of commons-oriented peer to peer (P2P) dynamics in society. P2P is an abbreviation of “peer to peer”, sometimes also described as “person to person” or “people to people”.

  2. For general information see Taiwan.For current development, see the Delicious tag at An alternative directory can be ...

  3. wiki.p2pfoundation.netP2P Foundation

    2023年5月7日 · The P2P Foundation is an international organization focused on studying, researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices in a very broad sense. This wiki is our knowledge commons. Our motto is " Together we know everything, together we have everything ", i.e. pooling our resources through commons, creates prosperity for all.

  4. Retrieved from ""

  5. = "Internet and society research think tank based in Hong Kong". URL = Description "The Digital Asia Hub is an independent, non-profit ...

  6. 2008年3月14日 · Description. What is the GaiaField Project? Many people intuitively recognize the power of uniting millions of people from diverse spiritual traditions around the globe in meditation and prayer for peace. Several well-organized global meditation and prayer events, such as the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the GaiaMind meditation of 1997, James ...

  7. ›

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