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  1. Description. "Samantha Power is the founder of Finance for Gaia and Stuart Cowan is the Executive Director of Buckminster Fuller Institute. In conversation with Matthew Monahan." Categories: Peerfunding. Bioregional.

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    "Watch : Instantly find and watch 1000's of fast streaming videos.Upload : Quickly upload and tag videos in almost any video format.Share : Easily share your videos with family, friends, or co-workers. You can embed YouTube videos in any website by a little code snippet."

    John Seabrook: "YouTube was created by three former employees of PayPal, in a Silicon Valley garage, in early 2005. According to two of the founders, Chad Hurley and Steven Chen, a graphic designer and a software engineer, respectively, the idea grew out of a dinner party at Chen’s home in San Francisco, in the winter of 2004-05. Guests had made vi...

    Partner Program

    "YouTube’s Partner Program, begun in 2007, has also flourished. YouTube sells advertising against popular channels created by homegrown YouTube stars—vloggers, sit-down comedians (a form of comedy unique to YouTube), mashup artists, bedroom auteurs, Mr. Fix-Its—and shares the revenues with the channels’ creators. For most of YouTube’s thirty thousand partners, this means a few hundred dollars a month, but the top five hundred partners earn more than a hundred thousand a year, and in some case...

    YouTube Channels

    "While Kamangar and Kyncl were expanding YouTube’s movie titles, they were also exploring a more radical idea. What if YouTube could get professional writers, directors, and producers to create original content for the site? As Kyncl put it, “YouTube already had many channels, but they were used more as a way for content creators to set up their relationship with YouTube and upload videos, rather than as a discovery mechanism for the viewer.” YouTube would not want to own or develop the conte...

    The Culture Role of YouTube

    Some comments about the role of YouTube, the massively used videosharing site that was purchased by Google, plays in our culture, by Henry Jenkins: "1. YouTube functions as a meeting place for different subcultures, fan communities, and other forms of participatory culture, enabling the crosspollination of formal practices, themes, and ideas. I see this crosspollination as likely to accelerate the speed with which cultural innovations get picked up and deployed at other social sites. 2. YouTu...

    Mark Pesce on the impact of You Tube's hyperdistribution on the mass media

    Mark Pesce: "It's not that YouTube is competing with you for dollars - it isn't, at least not yet - but rather, it is competing for attention. Attention is the limiting factor for the audience; we are cashed up but time-poor. Yet, even as we've become so time-poor, the number of options for how we can spend that time entertaining ourselves has grown so grotesquely large as to be almost unfathomable. This is the real lesson of YouTube, the one I want you to consider in your deliberations today...

    Citizen-driven news videos "What is the nature of news on YouTube? What types of events "go viral" and attract the most viewers? How does this agenda differ from that of the traditional news media? Do the most popular videos on YouTube tend to be videos produced by professional news organizations, by citizens or by political interest groups or governments? How long does people's attention seem to last? The Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism examined 15 months' worth of the most p...

    (27.07.06) What goes on the Net stays on the Net(About YouTube: "They could refuse to take down your video... ...charge YOU for your own video. ...insert ads in the video..." - Analysis for Flow magazine by John MacMurria at Henry Jenkins on YouTube at http://www.henryjenkins.or...

  2. = The entire YouTube playlist (50+ videos) can be found here: Detailed overview of the arch ...

  3. 2014年9月7日 · Geeks Without Bounds (GWOB) supports humanitarian open source projects through a combination of hackathons and an accelerator program which takes promising projects through six months of mentorship towards sustainability. GWOB also engages in a range of educational programs aimed at increasing diversity in the technology workforce ...

  4. This article proposes to introduce the concept of “homecasting” (as distinct from broadcasting and narrowcasting) as a step towards designing a meaningful framework for understanding the current mediascape and the technological, social, and cultural forces shaping it.

  5. Directory Video series by Rebel Wisdom, assessing the state of the integral movement: Jamie Wheal: By the editors of Rebel ...

  6. “The three key responses we see from the world in crisis can be grouped as the movements around Sustainability, Openness and Solidarity, gives the starting blocks, working into the bridges between them, the political structures (both local and global) and the economic enablement required to assist the transition.”