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  1. 桃園市的英文翻譯,桃園市英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯桃園市桃園市的英文單字,桃园市的英文,桃园市 meaning in English,桃園市怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  2. 他為我們樹立了簡樸生活的榜樣。. An example is the emission of light from matter . 物質的發光即為一例。. An example is the kinetic theory of gases . 一個例子是氣體的運動理論。. It's difficult to see example in a sentence. 用 example 造句挺難的. This is probably the most outstanding example . 這大概 ...

  3. 引发的泰文 引发 là gì 引發的法語:initiation 引發的日語:(1)起爆する.點火する.(2)人間のある感情を誘発する.(3)ある病変を誘発する. 引發的韓語:(1)[동사] (폭발·감정·병 따위를) 일으키다. 야기하다. (흥미를) 자아내다.引發興趣;흥미를 자아내다 =[觸發](2)[명사]〈화학〉 기폭(起爆 ...

  4. 短語和例子. 他剛從鄉下來。. he's just come from the countryside. 鄉下人 country folk; country cousin; village people; villager; provincialist. "國家;鄉下" 英文翻譯 : country. "去鄉下" 英文翻譯 : rusticate. "鄉下,農村" 英文翻譯 : countryside. "鄉下的" 英文翻譯 : country; rural. "鄉下地" 英文 ...

  5. vt. 1.駁斥,抗辯,對…提出質疑;爭論,辯論。. 2.反對,反抗,阻止。. 3.爭奪 (土地、獎品、勝利等)。. dispute a proposal 辯論一項建議。. dispute a will 對遺囑提出質疑。. dispute every inch of ground 寸土必爭。. dispute the enemy's advance 阻止敵人推進。. dispute a victory [prize ...

  6. main中文意思::主要的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋main的中文翻譯,main的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。There are three main types of cancer of the skin .皮膚癌主要有三種。The main outline was completed by 1935 .基本大綱完成于1935年前后。Fishing is ...

  7. 療效因人而異。. the effect of the treatment varies with the individual. "療效因人而異" 英文翻譯 : the curative effect varies from person to person. "療效因人而異the" 英文翻譯 : effect of the treatment varies with different individuals. "因人而異進行激勵" 英文翻譯 : tailor your motivation. "因人而定 ...

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