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  1. k線英文翻譯: candle line…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋k線英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯k線,k線的英語例句用法和解釋。

  2. The full line gives the shape of the surface at the instant show . 實線 表示某一瞬間液體表面的形狀。 Very often, you will notice solid and broken lines in the middle of the highway . 時常,在公路中間,你會看到一條條 實線 和虛線。 In fig. 2 the solid line represents an idealized version of the normal progression of an unthinned stand . 在2中, 實線 代表一塊未疏伐林地的正常發展的理想化形式。

  3. currency中文意思::通貨…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋currency的中文翻譯,currency的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。"currency chinese currency british" 中文翻譯: currency中國貨幣 "a roved currency" 中文翻譯: 核準貨幣;認可貨幣 "a strong currency" 中文 ...

  4. 例句與用法. Treat the problem in the x, y, z system . 在X、Y、Z 座標 系中處理問題。. The equations are written in rectangular coordinates . 這些方程是在直角 座標 系中寫出的。. The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa . 實驗曲線幾乎與橫 座標 平行。. Normally a point in space is ...

  5. 例句與用法. For the geometry depicted in figure 2-2, the lagrange multiplier is positive . 對于2-2中所畫的 幾何圖形 來說,拉格朗日乘子是正的。. The demand-and-supply-curve framework is the main geometric tool that will be used in analyzing trade policy options . 供求曲線的結構是用于分析貿易政策 ...

  6. 即使是在較低的溫度下操作,也能輕易的做到高 良率 的產出。. Monitoring process defect , especially wave soldering defect , provide improvement action online to improve the yield. 監控制程缺陷特別是波峰焊缺陷,要及時提供改善措施改善制程 良率 。. " utilizes spc tool to analyses , control and ...

  7. parallel table. reconciliation. reference listing. synopsis. "程序對照表" 英文翻譯 : map. "地址對照表" 英文翻譯 : address translation table. "借貸對照表" 英文翻譯 : bs balance sheet; he is expert in ~ the work of recording money paid received borrowed or owed. "借貨對照表" 英文翻譯 : accounting; balance sheet ...

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