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    • 1. to offer sacrifice (to one's ancestors)

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  2. 😉. 清明節英文怎麼說? 雖然清明節可直譯為 Qingming Festival ,但一般只有慶祝性的節慶才會以 festival 翻譯,因此更正確的說法應以掃墓本身義譯為 Tomb Sweeping Day ,tomb 是墓地的意思,而 sweeping 是由動詞 sweep 而來,指的是打掃。 清明掃墓,慎終追遠而誠心祭祀祖先是中華文化的一部分,然而,在英文的世界裡可能比較難理解,下面就要更進一步介紹主要習俗的英文喔! 如何用英文介紹清明節? 以下提供實用的清明節簡介,你可以用它來向外國人介紹這個節日喔! Tomb Sweeping Day falls on either April 4th or 5th of the solar calendar.

  3. 2021年3月20日 · 清明節的英文叫做 Tomb Sweeping Day有些人可能會叫做 Qingming Festival,也就是直接翻譯清明節,但是Festival 本身有慶典的意思,所以基本上叫Tomb Sweeping Day 會是比較好的。 例: Tomorrow is the Tomb Sweeping Day. 明天就是清明節了。 例: Tomb Sweeping Day is on April 4th every year. 清明節是每年四月四號。 例: People visit the gravesite of their ancestors to show their respects On Tomb Sweeping Day. 人們在清明掃墓節拜訪祖先墓地,以示敬意。

  4. 拜拜英文:worship 用法. Worship 可以解釋成對神的信仰、敬奉、崇拜,也可以當作禮拜的意思,通會需要遵守某些儀式。 用在信奉某種神、多年一次的祭典等會比較適合,或是台灣的祭祖拜拜有一定的流程和習俗須遵守,這時候就可以用 worship 。 Matsu(媽祖)is a sea goddess worshipped by many Taiwanese people. 許多台灣人信奉海上之神媽祖。 For Taiwanese people, ancestor worship is a very important thing. 對台灣人來說,祭祖拜拜是一件很重要的事。 禮拜場所、宗教場所可以稱為 place of worship , worshipper 則是指參加禮拜的人、信徒。

  5. 【祭拜】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:worship崇拜尊崇愛慕;。英詞典提供【祭拜】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  6. 英文中祭拜"热门翻译:to offer sacrifice (to one's ancestors).查看例句, 发音 、 语法和图片词典。

  7. noun. uk / ˈwɜː.ʃɪp / us / ˈwɝː.ʃɪp / worship noun (RELIGION) C2 [ U ] the act of worshipping God or a god, often through praying or singing. (對上帝或神的)敬奉,信奉. daily acts of worship 每日的禮拜.

  8. Many translated example sentences containing "祭拜" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

  9. 在英语中翻译"祭拜" 动词. worship. 显示更多. 封于修一定会回来祭拜她. Letter to build will come and worship her. 此外,商场还有多功能厅,可以举行婚礼、祭拜等。 In addition, there is also a versatile room that is usually used marriage, worship, and so forth. 我个人是认为不需要祭拜. l don't see the use of a memorial service. 你现在是在祭拜你的妻子吗. Is this a memorial service for your wife? 另一位北京居民黄先生说:"我认为网上祭拜不够正式."

  10. August 13th is your day that we honor you. 8月13日是我們 祭拜 您的節日。 Don ' t people come by to pray. 人們不到這里來 祭拜 嗎? An offering to poseidon , the greeks are praying for safe return home. 通過對海神的 祭拜 ,希臘人以此祈禱得以平安回家. The games gradually in the worship of the prominent cult of zeus , the chief god. 運動會在 祭拜 主神宙斯的活動中逐漸達到高潮。

  11. worship. 敬奉(神); 做礼拜; 爱慕; 实用场景例句. 全部. The King was on a private visit to enable him to pray at the tombs of his ancestors. 国王以私人身份出访,以便能够祭拜先祖陵墓。 柯林斯例句. He is a very special god worshiped by kiln workers. 他可是窑工们祭拜的一位非常特殊的神. 互联网. Senior leaders have taken part in ceremonies paying homage to him. 一些资深的领袖人物参加了对黄帝的祭拜仪式. 互联网.

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    祭拜祖先 英文