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  1. 雄獅英文翻譯: babur…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋雄獅英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯雄獅雄獅的英語例句用法和解釋。"雄獅(靈獅)" 英文翻譯: sphinx "雄獅報" 英文翻譯: virakesari "雄獅隊" 英文翻譯: bc lions; detroit lions; lions "阿富汗雄獅" 英文翻譯: massoud, l'afghan

  2. the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside. 同義詞: nighttime, dark, the time between sunset and midnight; "he watched television every night". the period spent sleeping; "I had a restless night". a period of ignorance or backwardness or gloom. a shortening of nightfall; "they worked from morning to night".

  3. observation中文意思::觀察…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋observation的中文翻譯,observation的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。n. 1.觀察,注意;觀察力;?望。2.觀測,實測;【航海】測;【軍事】觀測,監視,偵察。3.(觀察得的)知識,經驗;〔pl.〕觀察[觀測]報告[資料]。

  4. The mountains reared their crests into the clouds . 山頂高聳入云。. It's difficult to see mountain in a sentence. 用 mountain 造句挺難的. The mountains are covered with thick snow . 山上覆蓋著厚厚的積雪。. The road passes over a steep mountain . 這條路翻越一架陡峭的高山。. They clawed their way to the peak ...

  5. 市民應立即停用這款火牛,并盡快將之退回供應商朗科技有限公司,以作替換。 Since 2000 , city one shatin under urban group has been taking various energy efficiency measures at the property such as partial lift suspension at nighttime and use of electrical ballast luminaries , which led to an annual saving of hk 1 , 600 , 000 electricity cost

  6. ignite中文意思::點燃…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋ignite的中文翻譯,ignite的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。"cha ignite" 中文翻譯: 純橄無球粒隕石 "ignite (vt)" 中文翻譯: 引燃 "ignite arrows" 中文翻譯: 爆烈箭 "ignite sterilization" 中文翻譯: 燒灼滅菌法 ...

  7. 2 (翻譯經驗)各種"區"該如何翻譯 3 13項聰明人的特征 看看自己可以滿足其中幾項? 4 (雙語)2018世界杯:歷史將會告訴你誰能在俄羅斯捧杯! 5 (雙語)擁有這12個習慣的人,是天生的領導者 6 (經驗分享)學好英語的20個經典要訣! 7 (雙語)未來面試要刷臉測