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  1. 高雄市英文翻譯: kaohsiung city…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋高雄市英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯高雄市,高雄市的英語例句用法和解釋。 高雄市英文_高雄市英文怎麼說

  2. He went to the seaside only to be drowned . 他去海邊 游泳 結果卻淹死了。. Swimming was his favourite recreation . 游泳 是他最喜愛的娛樂活動。. He wore his swimsuit underneath his slacks . 他在運動服里面襯著 游泳 衣。. He went to the seaside only to be drowned . 他去海邊 游泳 ,結果卻淹死了 ...

  3. 兒童泳池. A four - year - old catholic boy was playing with a four - year - old protestant girl in a children ' s pool in the backyard. 一個四歲的天主教小男孩和一個四歲的新教女孩在后院的 兒童泳池 中玩耍。. The little boy looked at the little girl and said , " golly , i didn ' t know there was that much ...

  4. The high diving board ? no way. 高高的 跳水板 ? 決不。 Mr . chen launched himself off of the diving board , flew high into the air , then landed in the swimming pool.

  5. (青年旅社)有很好的設施和服務包括免費的早餐,一個室內的熱水池(游泳池游泳休息桌和使你合不上眼的幾百種dvd 。 用"熱水池" 造句 相關詞匯 "熱水"英文, "熱水輸出"英文, "低溫熱水"英文, "加壓熱水"英文, "熱水供應"英文, "日用熱水"英文, ...

  6. 例句與用法. After several sessions at the gym , i feel a lot fitter . 我在 健身房 鍛煉了幾次以后,覺得身體好多了。. You have full use of the gym and swimming pool while you're here . 只要住在這兒,您就可充分利用 健身房 和游泳池。. The athletic association gave a dinner in the gymnasium to all of ...

  7. 非洲體育取高委員會英文翻譯: censeil superieur du sporten a…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋非洲體育取高委員會英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯非洲體育取高委員會,非洲體育取高委員會的英語例句用法和解釋。

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