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    • 1. under great pressure

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  2. idiom mainly US. Add to word list. to feel worried because you have to do something by a particular time or in a particular way. 因為須在限定時間內(或以特定方式)完成任務而倍感壓力. Al's under the gun to decide by the end of the month whether to move with his company. 艾尔因需在月底前決定是否和公司一起搬走而倍感壓力。 (be under the gun在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) C1.

  3. 在英语-中文(繁体)词典中的翻译. be under the gun. mainly US. to feel worried because you have to do something by a particular time or in a particular way. 因為須在限定時間內(或以特定方式)完成任務而倍感壓力. Al's under the gun to decide by the end of the month whether to move with his company. 艾尔 ...

  4. 2018年7月31日 · 原來 under the gun是一個習慣用語,意思是:承受著很大的壓力。 畢竟有人拿槍指著你的頭,隨時會腦袋開花,壓力可想而知。 現代社會競爭激烈,要在市場中生存,確實需要承受很大的壓力。

  5. 1. a piece of ordnance usually with high muzzle velocity and comparatively flat trajectory. 2. a portable firearm (such as a rifle or handgun) 3. a device that throws a projectile. 4. a discharge of a gun especially as a salute or signal. 5. a signal marking a beginning or ending.

  6. 2024年4月18日 · 劇名「Under The Gun」(槍口位,UTG)正源於德州撲克術語,意指「在牌局中第一位下注的玩家,處於場上最不利的位置」,從開場的遊戲到整齣劇,或許都在暗示高建是UTG,而他逆轉遊戲之後又該如何逆轉人生? (圖源:黃viu煲劇平台@《Under The Gun》截圖) 接下來的劇情從車世英(趙秀敏飾演)的角度帶出高建的神秘:他為何上課都在睡覺? 為何不吃午餐?...

  7. to feel worried because you have to do something by a particular time or in a particular way. 为了在限定时间内(或以限定方式)完成任务而倍感压力. Al's under the gun to decide by the end of the month whether to move with his company. 艾爾因需在月底前决定是否和公司一起搬走而倍感压力。.

  8. We're short-staffed and everybody is under the gun. 我們人手不夠,人人都在硬著頭皮干。The men have been turned loose in the fields to forage like goats under the guns. 這些人被解散,在槍口下象山羊一樣在田地里尋找可吃的東西。However , a string of since

  9. UNDER THE GUN 释义: under great pressure and in danger of failing completely | 意思、发音、翻译示例

  10. new. under the gun的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译: 参考翻译. 在严密监视之下. under the gun的用法和样例: 例句. 用作副词 (adv.) News people are always working under the gun. 新闻工作者总是在严密的监视之下工作。 Lonsdale was put under intensive surveillance. 于是,朗斯代尔被置于严密监视之下。 词汇搭配. under the gun 在严密监视之下... under the gun的相关资料: 临近单词. under underbred. 目录查词历史.

  11. 沪江词库精选under the gun是什么意思、英语单词推荐. prep.在严密监视之下. 相似短语. under the gun prep.在严密监视之下. under the heavy gun 在武力威逼下,受到猛烈攻击. gun for v.用枪搜索捕杀. under the control of在…控制下. under it phr. 在那下面;据此. under that phr. 依据;在那下面;据此. be under vi.在...之下,低于. gun for gun 交换同样数目的礼炮. big gun n.有影响力的重要人物. siege gun n. [军]攻城加农炮. 相似单词.