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  1. 你也有空姐、空少夢嗎? 帶你一探究竟空服員的心路歷程 (Cabin Crew at Cathay Pacific - Kidipop Li) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. As a cabin crew, the main responsibility is getting the passengers safely to their destinations. 身為一個飛機組員,我們主要的責任就是讓乘客安全地抵達目的地。 Safety is the most important parts of our jobs and then there's a service.

  2. 能夠理解並清楚且準確地表達工作、學校和休閒生活中經常接觸的話題或事件。能夠在英、美語系國家旅行時,對於多數可能發生的事情進行應對。能夠簡單針對自己熟悉或感興趣的話題進行簡單表達。能夠描述經歷、事件、夢境、訴求和期望等情況,並提供觀點或計劃相關理由與解釋。

  3. That was actually wax. 那其實是蠟。. She... I had a fantastic makeup artist in this movie who did all the stuff from the bear mauling, and it was wax that she dribbled all over my face every day. 她... 這齣電影的化妝師很棒,跟熊打鬥的場景都是她負責的,然後她每天都往我整個臉上滴蠟。.

  4. 歷史悠久的航空公司或許會專注在提供乘客方便的服務,但廉價航空公司則更關注如何降低營運的成本。. To put costs into perspective, consider London Gatwick Airport, This charge is a departing passenger charge of £14.95 or $20.46 per passenger. 要實際檢視成本層面的問題,讓我們以倫敦蓋 ...

  5. 上週今晚與約翰-奧利弗,南瓜網絡獨家,HBO - 封閉字幕 (Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Pumpkins Spice Web Exclusive, HBO - closed captioned) 556 34 楊皓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字 關於 學習服務介紹 ...

  6. 影片播放. For most of the past year, it seemed like the Airbus A380 was doomed because of the global health crisis. 在去年大部分的日子裡,空中巴士 A380 客機看起來因為全球疫情危機而大受打擊。 At one point, there were no A380s flying! 有一段時間,天空中竟然連一架 A380 都沒有! Moreover, operators such as Air France and Lufthansa retired their units. 更有甚者,像是法國航空和漢莎航空等的航空公司也在淘汰掉他們的 A380。

  7. 影片播放. Whole life the wonders that you bring. The beauty I can see but I keep deep inside on me. 這一生,你帶給我的驚喜,帶來的那種美,我一直銘記在心. Oh life, I feel that I can breathe again. In a world where love will still remain. 喔,生命啊,我能感受到再次重生,在一個充滿愛的世界裡 ...

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