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  1. 24 小時可選課 ! 每週四、五、六 21:30 開放最新課表 ! 試讀說明 │ 課堂英文常用語 │ 試讀小提醒 │. 企業團體 │ 企業方案洽詢 │ 教育訓練 │. 其它服務 │ 班級口語檢測服務 │ 遊留學 │. 雅思授權報名中心 │ 官方報名系統 │. 翻譯服務 │ 文件翻譯 │ 口譯服務 │. 上課須知 │ 學員公約 │ Skype使用指南 │. │ 上課前環境準備 │. 技術支援 │ 錄音軟體使用 │ 速度頻寬測試 │. │ Ipad / Iphone 錄音軟體使用 │. │ 訊息平台使用說明 │. Skype 軟體 │ Windows │ Mac OS X │ 行動 │. │ 回英語資源首頁 │. 線上英文補充教材 Level 4.

  2. Long Trips, Vacations Have a good trip. Enjoy your vacation. Have a good time in _____ (destination, ex: Have a good time in Greece.) When your friends or family return home How was your vacation? Did you enjoy your time in (destination) How was your

  3. Hi家教 線上英文、日韓德法西義越泰文免付費電話:0809-090566 手機請撥:04-37042882 海外學生請撥:886-4-37042882(台灣時間,週一 至週五 09:00-23:00,週六至週日 09:00-21:00) 線上英文課程 商英課程 菲律賓遊學 全球海外遊學 打工渡假攻略 杜威加留學 成為老師Teachers wanted

  4. Dialogue 1 Carrie : Hello, you're my classmate in History, right? Melinda : Yeah, but don't you remember you are also my classmate in English last year. Carrie : Really?I'm sorry I didn't notice you. Melinda : It's ok, I remember you because you are good in grammar. ...

  5. It sounds kind of cheesy!!! Brant : Well, tonight's been an interesting one. Mel : I think you should change the name of the show. Brant : you have any ideas? Mel : I was thinking about something like Jazz Up Your Life. Brant : It sounds kind of cheesy, but I guess it's catchy.

  6. 程度測試預約專線 服務時間:週一至五 AM 9:00~PM 23:00 週六至日 AM 9:00~PM 21:00

  7. Dialogue Laura : Thank you for inviting me to tea, it's really good of you. Melanie : Not at all, we're delighted to have you.May I pour you a cup of tea ? Laura : Oh, yes, thank you very much.What a beautiful City it is ! Melanie : I'm glad you like it.This is part of tea ...