Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Different expressions used when answering the phone at home and at work. Answering the Phone At Home Hello? Hello, Jones residence. Hello, Michelle Jones speaking. Yeah! (informal) Answering the Phone in the Office OMG Corporation. May I help you?

  2. 程度測試預約專線 服務時間:週一至五 AM 9:00~PM 23:00 週六至日 AM 9:00~PM 21:00

  3. Hi家教 線上英文、日韓德法西義越泰文免付費電話:0809-090566 手機請撥:04-37042882 海外學生請撥:886-4-37042882(台灣時間,週一 至週五 09:00-23:00,週六至週日 09:00-21:00)

  4. 程度測試預約專線 服務時間:週一至五 AM 9:00~PM 23:00 週六至日 AM 9:00~PM 21:00

  5. Shopping and Prices Vocabulary Shopaholic: A person who shops very frequently or often. Window-shop: to look at articles in the windows of stores without buying. Shop till you drop: Long hours and excessive shopping Mall / Department Store: Place where you can buy an item ...

  6. (air)plane(s) (bi)cycle(s) boat(s) bus(es) car(s) helicopter(s) ) lorry(lorries) moped(s (motor)bike(s) ship(s) submarine(s) / sub(s) tanker(s) taxi(s) train(s) tram ...

  7. Past tense verbs Past tense verbs - verbs that tell about an action that happened in the past

  1. 其他人也搜尋了