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  1. After I’ve found it, (2) notes that, to be useful, I need to be able to play with the data. Consequently, I need to be able to pull or download it in a useful format (e.g. an API, subscription feed, or a documented file). Citizens need data in a form that lets them mash it

    • Our Key Report Introducing A Global Infrastructive For Collaborative Production
    • Introduction to The Potential For Mutual Coordination Through Peer Production
    • Projects of Particular Interest to The P2P Foundation
    • Key Quotes
    • Key Resources
    • Encyclopedia of The Key Topics

    * P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival: Towards a P2P Infrastructure for a Socially Just Circular Society. By Michel Bauwens and Alex Pazaitis. Foreword by Kate Raworth. P2P Foundation, 2019. URL = Draft text ; draft illustrations How shared perma-circular supply chains, post-blockchain distributed ledgers, protocol cooperatives, and three new for...

    Our approach marries 'mutual coordination' mechanisms in the commons, such as open and contributive accounting and shared and circular 'eco-systemic' supply chains, perhaps using REA accounting and verification through shared universal shared ledgers like the holochain; just pricing and exchange mechanisms in the sphere of the ethical and generativ...

    Most crypto-ledger and blockchain applications intend to create distributed markets, which tend to oligarchic concentration over time. The P2P Foundation is partial to commons-oriented approaches in which market dynamics serve the common good and more egalitarian outcomes. In the context of this section, blockchain and other crypto-ledger applicati...

    "AI and Blockchain-based agent-centric coordination are two fundamentally opposed/complementary processes: "AI is currently about regurgitating synthesis. Only people and accident are able to undermine axioms which can change the trajectory of broken systems of thought. So, evolutionarily speaking, AI is backward-looking, and human social coordinat...


    Excellent summary of the pre-crypto developments, i.e. the five main approaches: 1. Trajectories for Dealing with Allocative Efficiency, from Max Grunberg's synthesis: Optimal Planning and the Menace of Bureaucratisation. The five approaches are: 1. the status quo of the market order 2. a return to central planning modalities 3. bottom-up 'anarchy' 4. negotiated coordination mechanisms for democratic planning 5. algorithmic mediation. These pages are dedicated to a 6th proposition, i.e. mutua...


    1. Soviet Cybernetics and the Promise of Big Computer Socialism : “A discussion on the history of Soviet Cybernetics and the use of computers for socialist planning." 1. James Muldoon on Platform Socialism and Web3 1. Evgeny Morozov on Discovery Beyond Competition


    1. Whitepaper by Provenance: The Blockchain as Solution for Transparency in Supply Chains‎‎

    C for Cybernetics

    1. Cybernetics 1.1. Cybernetic Communism 1.2. Cybernetic Planning 1.3. Digital Planning in the Soviet Union 1.4. Economic Cybernetics 1.5. Neo-Cybernetic Politics 1.6. Soviet Cybernetics and Planning

    D for Democracy

    1. Multilevel Democratic Iterative Coordination

    E for the Environment and the Ecology

    1. Automating Environmental Interventions

  2. Description. 0. "Time banking is a values-based mechanism for reciprocal service-exchange that focuses on the contributions everyone can make to meeting needs within a local community. The value of all services in time banking is equal. The unit of exchange and account is simply the hours spent giving or receiving service.

  3. The aim of both models is to assess the quality and the risks associated with some piece of FOSS software, intended to be used in a specified business context. OpenBRR allows assessment of a limited set of quality metrics, based on manual data collection. QualOSS, in contrast, involves hundreds of quality metrics.

  4. Real P2P microfinance: Zidisha, a smaller microlender, has been using the peer-to-peer direct lending model for poverty fighting with a default rate of 0.38 percent. So far they’ve distributed about $100,000 since 2009. Kiva moves $1 million every four days.

  5. And mobilize a team to activate it. 7 balance sheets The seven balance sheets are: Earth, Material/Financial, Processes, Emotions, Communication, Knowledge, Common good. 1. The balance sheet “Earth” On the liability side calculate everything taken from the earth: resources, CO2 impact, water, air, pollution.

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