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  1. FAROO: FAROO is a web search engine based on peer-to-peer technology. The users are connecting their computers, building a worldwide, distributed P2P web search engine. No centralized index and crawler are required anymore. Every web page visited is automatically included in the distributed index of the search engine.

  2. 2019年4月21日 · Bio. "Yuk Hui studied Computer Engineering and Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong and Goldsmiths College in London, with a focus on philosophy of technology. Since 2012 he teaches philosophy at the institute of philosophy and art (IPK) of the Leuphana University Lüneburg where he wrote his habilitation thesis.

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    By George Dafermos: "The concept of the Partner State took on a central importance in the work of the theoristsaffiliated with the P2PF in the last decade. Initially, it was incorporated into theirdiscourse as a strategic proposal for building commons-friendly institutions at statelevel. But as institutions of this type did not yet exist, the conce...

    Barcelona en Comú and the Bologna Regulation

    George Dafermos: "The meteoric rise of new municipalist movements and citizen platforms in the mid2010s like Barcelona en Comú drew the attention of P2PF theorists, who did not takelong to start theorizing them as examples of a ‘partner state approach’ (Bauwens et al.2019: 59-64). What, in their view, sets these ‘citizen platforms’ apart from conventionalpolitical parties is the emphasis of their political vision on the commons, as well as thefact that their programs push for ‘openness and de...


    George Dafermos: "The second example, which serves as ‘a paradigmatic case for developing newinstitutional processes for public-commons partnerships,’ comes from the region ofEmilia-Romagna in Italy and, in specific, from the city of Bologna (Bauwens et al.2019: 61-62).16 As we mentioned in section 5.4, in the context of the FLOK policyproposals, the partnership model between cooperatives and the local government ofEmilia-Romagna was theorized as a real-world manifestation of the Partner Stat...

    M. Bauwens & V. Kostakis' 2014 book (last chapter of the part three discusses the partner state approach) as well as 2014 article: 1. Towards a new reconfiguration among the state, civil society and the market 2. David Ronfeld on the Partner State concept by M...

  3. 2024年5月23日 · = Michel Bauwens is the founder of the P2P Foundation, an observatory on commoning and peer production and is the co-author of P2P, A Commons Manifesto . Based in Thailand, he has crafted Transition Plans for the city of Ghent and for Ecuador in 2014. The last 3 years he was advisor to, a labour mutual. Contents. 1 Short summary.

  4. wiki.p2pfoundation.netP2P Foundation

    The P2P Foundation is an international organization focused on studying, researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices in a very broad sense. This wiki is our knowledge commons. Our motto is " Together we know everything, together we have everything ", i.e. pooling our resources through commons, creates prosperity for all.

  5. Creative communities, cooperative networks and cosmopolitan localism are, as it has been said, the building blocks for a new vision: the vision of a sustainable society that can be defined as a Multi-local Society. I.e. a network of interconnected communities and places, at the same time, open and localised."

  6. Last November, according to Mr. Li, the Communist Youth League of Shanghai helped to attract over 50,000 visitors to a Maker Carnival, where makers exhibited their creations to the public. Officials have also visited Xinchejian, and for now, Mr. Li sees their involvement as a positive development.