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  1. 千葉火鍋價位 相關

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    從經典到創意,健康又滿足!新鮮食材搭配獨家湯底配方,每次吃都充滿驚喜體驗,外帶也很方便! 無論是家庭聚餐、還是好友聚會,台南東區【十色鍋物】都是極佳好選擇,今天就吃,手刀訂位去!


  1. A better method is to use purchasing - power parities ( ppp ) , which take account of price differences. 一種更好的方法是以購買力平價 ( ppp )計算,它考慮到了 價格差異 。. Price differences between classes , grades , and delivery locations of various stocks of the same commodity. 同一種商品的各種股票種類 ...

  2. 例句與用法. Please charge the amount to my account . 請把這筆 金額 記在我的帳上。. The amount of the fine must be specified . 罰款之 金額 必須明文規定。. That amount of money won't be enough , not by a long chalk . 那筆 金額 是差得太遠了。. I save a nice little sum out of my wages each week . 我從每 ...

  3. 例句與用法. 料理においては、炒め物、和え物、鍋物、お菓子、おかゆに使用できるほか、花汁飲料、花茶、花酒などにも利用できる。. 它不僅可以制作熱炒、冷盤、 火鍋 、糕點、粥品,而且可以制作花汁飲料、花茶、花酒等。. 大皿料理では筑前煮 ...

  4. 我又不是死忠的 麻辣火鍋 迷。. Whenever the weather is cold , my friend invites me to have spicy hot pot together. 只要天氣一冷,我朋友就會找我去吃 麻辣火鍋 。. I think the materials in a spicy hot pot are delicious , such as cabbage , congealed duck blood , pork meatballs , and mushrooms , etc. 我覺得 ...

  5. 例句與用法. Br > we regret we have to maintain our original price. 很遺憾我們不得不保持 原價 。. A man will pay $ 2 for a $ 1 item he needs. 一個男人愿意花30塊買一朵 原價 15的玫瑰。. The original price of the car was a bit too high. 這輛汽車的 原價 太高了一點。. We regret we have to maintain our ...

  6. 例句與用法. Variable levies can insulate farmers and consumers from world markets . 差價 進口稅可以把農民和消費者與世界市場隔離開來。. Contract for difference on stock and. 股票,指數和期貨 差價 合約。. Differences between purchasing and selling price. 商品進銷 差. Tfx timesforex online help ...

  7. 例句與用法. The dealer reduced the price for cash down . 這家商店對付現金的人減價 優惠 。. You get a coupon for every 3 gallons of petrol . 每買三加侖的汽油就可獲得一張 優惠 券。. It was the offer of a small house, on very easy terms . 這是向她提供一所條件 優惠 的小房子。. Professional ...

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