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  1. Contents. 1 Abstract. 2 Contextual Quote. 3 Excerpts. 3.1 Theoretical Foundations. 3.2 Pooling. 4 Discussion. 5 Example. 6 More information. Abstract. "This prospective report introduces the pooling of commitments, as a mechanism for curating and fairly exchanging resources within communities.

    • Definition
    • Description
    • Characteristics
    • Governance
    • Example
    • Discussion
    • More Information

    1. Chris Cook: the consensual legal framework agreement within which value may be created, shared and exchanged (P2P) on credit terms by reference to a unit of account (note that a unit of account is NOT a currency). 2. Nondominium UK: "Nondominium enables a new whole-system approach to development of material resources which enables sustainable ou...

    1. Chris Cook: "Many indigenous peoples, such as American Indians and Australian Aborigines, find it impossible to understand how anyone can own land. Whereas, most religious traditions - including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism - were all founded upon a belief that absolute ownership, particularly of land, is God's alone, and that a tribute shou...

    In the Sensorica, Open Value Accountingnondominium charter: 1. Value Equation 1. Governance Equation

    Nondominium and the Principles of Governance

    1. Well Defined Boundaries: As a Nondominium applies to intangible as well as well bounded physical resources, boundaries are defined by whether a person has signed the Nondominium agreement. This is considered an open and largely permeable boundary, but also very clear regarding membership boundaries. Resource boundaries are established through a registry where resources are provided to the Nondominium explicitly. Use value of those resources is made available to members and the use of rival...

    Nondominium for land

    As proposed by Chris Cook: "Nondominium is an agreement which not only brings together these stakeholders jointly/collectively to hold land in common but also enables them severally/individually to share the rights and obligations as they may consensually agree. In simple terms, the user of the land pays a rental in money or in kind ('money's worth' such as produce) and a proportion of this flow of value is allocated to a Manager stakeholder group which provides services such as introducing o...

    Nondominium for shared digital assets

    The Bitcoin Network: is an open (permissionless), transparent organization that no one owns. In fact, it is impossible to apply private property to the entire network. It is also important to note that there are no mechanisms to gain possession of the network without destroying the network. Also, private property operates within the network: miners own their computers. But no independent miner can offer the Bitcoin service. The Bitcoin service is an emergent property of multiple miners sharin...

    Contribution by Valnora Leister and Mark Frazier

    "A new legal framework – Nondominium – offers an approach for sharing revenues from resource development in arenas beyond the effective actual (or de jure) control of national jurisdictions. Building upon ideas advanced by Chris Cook, a fellow of the Institute for Security and Resilience Studies at the University College of London, the new framework focuses on veto rights – rather than recognized ownership claims – to ensure development of common pool resources (or resources with conflicting...

    Contribution from Sensorica

    Sensorica uses the term commons to shared assets that do not require maintenance and policing, i.e. digital assets. In contrast with the section below on nondominium and the commons, the term nondominium goes more with the initial intention as proposed by Chris Cook (see on top of this page): "Many indigenous peoples, such as American Indians and Australian Aborigines, find it impossible to understand how anyone can own land". It is the expression find it impossible to understandthat must be...

  2. San Pisith is a Buddhist Monk and an Early Stage Researcher at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance. He has joined the Cosmolocalism project since September 2019 to pursue a Ph.D. at TalTech, Estonia. His Ph.D. thesis focuses on Buddhist Economics, Buddhist Governance, Commons, and Happiness and Public Purpose.

  3. By William O. Ruddick - Founder of Grassroots Economics Foundation, 2024 URL = () "This prospective report introduces the pooling of commitments, as a mechanism for curating and fairly exchanging resources within communities.

  4. Just as small resource communities are taking collective action to preserve their resources, I believe that our regional and international communities must also take steps to protect the world’s transboundary commons to ensure ecological equilibrium, human survival, personal development and social cohesion.

  5. Vasilis Kostakis. Vasilis Kostakis is Professor of Technology Governance and Sustainability at TalTech and Faculty Associate at Harvard University. He is also Visiting Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Vasilis is the founder of the P2P Lab. contact: vkostakis at google scholar page.

  6. Examples of integral theory: Steiner’s integrative spiritual-science, Gebser’s integral-aperspectival cultural phenomenology, and. Wilber’s integral-AQAL theoretic framework. Roy Bhaskar's Critical Realism. There has been intensive dialogue between Wilber's Integral Theory tradition and Bhaskar's Critical Realism.