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  1. We are excited to bring the premium U.S. Wild Blueberries to our sweets menu! You may find the selection of specially designed cakes and cupcakes using U.S. Wild Blueberries here. Please note that as the colour is hand mixed, it is very likely that the colour and look of the cake vary slightly from the reference photo.

  2. Gentei Jyunmai Daiginjo / 日本花之舞限定純米大吟釀清酒 A nice sake perfect for casual party with family and friends. Serve chilled. An excellent choice to make your party even more perfect. 類型:純米大吟釀 原料米:靜岡縣産山田錦 精米歩合:50% 酒精濃度:15.5% 酒評: 這款是「花の舞」系列中最高級純米大吟醸,米香和味道濃烈而 ...

  3. 2018年4月23日 · 感激 很感激各位陪著我們走過Phoenix Sweets元創方門巿完滿的四年! 謝謝 PMQ 元創方 給我們的機會, 在這個獨特的地方開了這間蛋糕店。可以將自己的蛋糕作品以藝術品的形式展示, 讓大家可以吃到自己做的cupcake, 都實在超出了當初成立Phoenix Sweets的夢想。 這間店是我們的"黃金梅利號", 是意義重大的 ...

  4. Phoenix Sweets 網上訂購 香港 生日蛋糕 百日宴蛋糕 Order Birthday Cake Online Hong Kong 100 Days Cake Baby Shower 送貨 Delivery 牛油忌廉蛋糕 - Colour Bomb Cake (2層版) 雲尼拿牛油蛋糕配雲尼拿牛油忌廉,內裏充滿著繽粉的Confetti彩色。我們可以加上小 ...

  5. Selection of Phoenix Sweets' Standard Design Cakes which are perfect for celebration for kids, such as Birthday, Baby Shower and 100 days. All the standard design cakes listed on the online can be free upgraded to Gender Reveal cakes, i.e. to tune the cake layers inside to pink or blue depending on the gender of the b

  6. Best Made to Order Cake in Hong Kong. Fairy-tale like Cotton Candy Cake is Perfect for Wedding and Birthday Celebration. Order our lovely cupcake and cookies for your celebration too!

  7. 為你的摯愛訂購滋味蛋糕,慶祝生日。蛋糕口味是朱古力口味,夾層是朱古力牛油忌廉。外層是曲奇忌廉口味的牛油忌廉,頂部的Dripping效果是用法國頂級的Valrhona朱古力製作。有關我們其他的服務,請參閱:

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