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  1. 房貸試算 excel 相關

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  1. › wiki-archive › Downloads2014Downloads | DBpedia

    DBpedia 2014 Downloads. This pages provides downloads of the DBpedia datasets. The DBpedia datasets are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License and the GNU Free Documentation License . The downloads are provided as N-Triples and N-Quads, where the N-Quads version contains additional provenance information ...

  2. Search. Access DBpedia data via the Lookup service, an instance of the highly customizable Generic Lookup. Whether you need an auto-complete service for your RDF application, Linked Data enhancements for your CSV tables or simply a way to retrieve specific DBpedia identifiers — the DBpedia Lookup is for you! DBpedia Databus.

  3. The following list gives an overview on the popular datasets that can be used individually. Also see the paper for details. Generic extraction. These datasets are created with a generic smart parser.

  4. Mortgage slave (Chinese: 房奴; pinyin: fángnú) is a term used for homeowners in China who spend more than 70% of their disposable income towards repaying mortgage loans. Continually rising real estate prices and high incentives for home ownership have encouraged restrictive loans to those wishing to own a residence, but lacking the required wealth.

  5. › wiki-archive › data-set-37Data Set 3.7 | DBpedia

    High-quality data extracted from Infoboxes using the strict ontology-based extraction. The predicates in this dataset are in the /ontology/ namespace. Note that this data is of much higher quality than the Raw Infobox Properties in the /property/ namespace. For example, there are three different raw Wikipedia infobox properties for the birth ...

  6. › wiki-archive › downloads-2016-10Downloads 2016-10 | DBpedia

    Downloads 2016-10. This pages provides all DBpedia datasets as links to files in bzip2 compression. The DBpedia datasets are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License and the GNU Free Documentation License . In addition to the RDF version of the data, we also provide a tabular version of some of the core ...

  7. › page › 硫酸ジメチルAbout: 硫酸ジメチル

    硫酸ジメチル(りゅうさんジメチル、dimethyl sulfate)は化学式 (CH3O)2SO2 で表される化合物で、硫酸のジメチルエステル。結合様式を表現せずに (CH3)2SO4 あるいは Me2SO4 とも表記する。 強力なメチル化剤として有機合成で広く使われる試薬のひとつで、塩基の存在下、アルコールを容易にへと変換 ...

  1. 房貸試算 excel 相關

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