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  1. 1.通貨。 2.通用,流通,流傳,傳播。 3.市價,行情。 4.流通時間。 短語和例子. "currency chinese currency british" 中文翻譯 : currency中國貨幣. "a roved currency" 中文翻譯 : 核準貨幣;認可貨幣. "a strong currency" 中文翻譯 : 強通貨. "absorb currency" 中文翻譯 : 吸收貨幣. "acceptable currency" 中文翻譯 : 可接受的貨幣. "accepted currency" 中文翻譯 : 認可的貨幣. "accounting currency" 中文翻譯 : 會計貨幣.

  2. parallel table. reconciliation. reference listing. synopsis. "程序對照表" 英文翻譯 : map. "地址對照表" 英文翻譯 : address translation table. "借貸對照表" 英文翻譯 : bs balance sheet; he is expert in ~ the work of recording money paid received borrowed or owed. "借貨對照表" 英文翻譯 : accounting; balance sheet ...

  3. "latest" 中文翻譯: adj. (late 的最高級)遲的,后的;最近的,最新的。 the latest fashion 最新式樣。 the latest news 后消息。

  4. 《口語》 最新情報.【動詞+】 The news gave us an update on the situation in Korea. そのニュースは朝鮮情勢に関する最新情報を伝えた.【+前置詞】 This is an update on Germany's state-of-the-art biotechnology. これがドイツの最新生物工學に関しての最新情報

  5. 本 版次 以"組織"取代先前1994版次使用的"供貨商" ,以表示采用本國際標準的單位。. 而"供貨商"則用來取代之前版次的"分包商" 。. The edition to be used should be clearly stated on the school textbook list ; encourage teachers to complement textbooks with flexible and selective use of other learning ...

  6. 例句與用法. We made the circuit of the old city walls . 我們繞著 舊 城墻轉了一圈。 The old houses have been torn [pulled] down . 那些 舊 房子已經拆掉了。 You look absolutely priceless in that hat ! 你戴著那頂 舊 帽子很滑稽! Destroy the old world and build a new one . 破壞 舊 世界,建設新世界。 How much will you give me for my old car ? 你肯出多少錢買我那輛 舊 車?

  7. His victims were all shot down in cold blood .他殺害的那些人都是遭他瘋狂槍殺的。Mel's navy f9f-5 had been shot down into the sea .梅爾的將軍F9F-5戰斗機被擊落,墜入海中。He was able to shoot down a flying bird with the bow and arrow .他張弓搭箭能射落空中