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  1. 東京新紅陽民宿 相關



  1. Bio. "Jon Young grew up in Monmouth County, New Jersey, and was mentored from from the age of 10 as a naturalist, tracker, survivalist, and mentor in a native American tradition by the tracker and author Tom Brown, Jr. This mentoring forms the basis for Jon’s work. Jon worked off and on for many years at Tom Brown’s Tracker School as an ...

  2. Upon joining the service, members can stay at any of the houses in the ADDress network, but this is no carbon copy of the Airbnb model. Sabetto says that ADDress users range from families and couples on weekend getaways from city life, to digital nomads and corporate employees seeking a new working style.

  3. 2017年9月19日 · Basically this would be an alliance of local authorities working in partnership with local residents who want to let out rooms. Munibnb would like Airbnb fund the allied update of the apps and platform to promote fair and local trade that would also ensure hotel taxes are paid and lettings are ethical. In South Korea the Munibnb ...

    • Our Key Report Introducing A Global Infrastructive For Collaborative Production
    • Introduction to The Potential For Mutual Coordination Through Peer Production
    • Projects of Particular Interest to The P2P Foundation
    • Key Quotes
    • Projects to Follow
    • Key Resources
    • Encyclopedia of The Key Topics

    * P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival: Towards a P2P Infrastructure for a Socially Just Circular Society. By Michel Bauwens and Alex Pazaitis. Foreword by Kate Raworth. P2P Foundation, 2019. URL = Draft text ; draft illustrations How shared perma-circular supply chains, post-blockchain distributed ledgers, protocol cooperatives, and three new for...

    Our approach marries 'mutual coordination' mechanisms in the commons, such as open and contributive accounting and shared and circular 'eco-systemic' supply chains, perhaps using REA accounting and verification through shared universal shared ledgers like the holochain; just pricing and exchange mechanisms in the sphere of the ethical and generativ...

    Most crypto-ledger and blockchain applications intend to create distributed markets, which tend to oligarchic concentration over time. The P2P Foundation is partial to commons-oriented approaches in which market dynamics serve the common good and more egalitarian outcomes. In the context of this section, blockchain and other crypto-ledger applicati...

    "AI and Blockchain-based agent-centric coordination are two fundamentally opposed/complementary processes: "AI is currently about regurgitating synthesis. Only people and accident are able to undermine axioms which can change the trajectory of broken systems of thought. So, evolutionarily speaking, AI is backward-looking, and human social coordinat...

    Regen Network: A Planetary Ledger (Earth Ledger) with Ecological State Protocols

    Please check the work on autonomous natural entities, by the Regen Network and the Sovereign Nature Initiative: which.. concerns the ability to integrate thermo-dynamic value streams. For this we first look at the planetary ledger technology of Regen Network. Regen Network has created a planetary Ledger, reflecting the Ecological State of a resource. This allows for any ecological entity to be described, and to describe its amelioration and degradation, and to create funding streams for its r...

    Sensorica’s Open Value Network

    .. allows for the accounting of all contributions and the use of mutualized machinery. What comes to mind is the long experience in ‘open value accounting’, undertaken by Sensorica, originally a project to produce open hardware based sensors. Sensorica has pioneered Open Value Accounting. OVN allows for any permissionless contributor to log their work with a project number, be peer reviewed, and received a karma token that shows the relative value of this contribution in the context of the wh...

    The Sarafu Network

    shows how local relational value can be protected and augmented, mixing ancient social practices and the latest technologiesThe second example concerns the capacity to exchange economic value, using monetary, para-monetary and non-monetary means, as shown by the Sarafu Network of Grassroots Economics, active in Kenya and other African countries. Based on thousands of savings group managed by women in the slums and countryside of Kenya, Sarafu created a mutual credit network, and put it on the...

    Check out how the rule of Coordination Engines is eventually kept in check by Purification Generators.

    C for Cybernetics

    1. Cybernetics 1.1. Cybernetic Communism 1.2. Cybernetic Planning 1.3. Digital Planning in the Soviet Union 1.4. Economic Cybernetics 1.5. Neo-Cybernetic Politics 1.6. Soviet Cybernetics and Planning

    D for Democracy

    1. Multilevel Democratic Iterative Coordination

    E for the Environment and the Ecology

    1. Automating Environmental Interventions

  4. Introduction Probably the best resource to monitor Asian developments, is Bytes for All, maintained by Frederick Noronha and team.This list of participants at the Asia Commons conference gives you an idea of who is active in the Commons-related fields in this continent. ...

  5. The unofficial birth of Hackerspaces in Asia in May 2009 relates to the registration of Hackerspace Tokyo followed shortly by Hackerspaces in Singapore and India, which were all linked to the striving Barcamp (unconference) movement.

  6. 2019年4月21日 · Bio. "Yuk Hui studied Computer Engineering and Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong and Goldsmiths College in London, with a focus on philosophy of technology. Since 2012 he teaches philosophy at the institute of philosophy and art (IPK) of the Leuphana University Lüneburg where he wrote his habilitation thesis.

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