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  1. The focus is on the “design global, manufacture local” model. This model builds on the conjunction of the digital commons of knowledge and design with desktop and benchtop manufacturing technologies (from three-dimensional printers and laser cutters to low-tech tools and crafts). Two case studies are presented to illustrate three ...

  2. WAMOTOPIA 2023: From December 16, 2023, to January 1, 2024, Wamians will jointly undertake a profound exploration of the future world, weaving a spectacular emergence, a prototype society of the future in Chiang Mai.

  3. 2022年3月12日 · Osward Spengler: “The Stone Colossus, ‘Cosmopolis', stands at the end of the life course of every great Culture.” (p. 68) The Culture Man, whom the land has spiritually formed, is seized … by his own creation, the City.” (p. 69) “The stony mass is the absolute City. These final cities are wholly intellect.

  4. 2019年1月10日 · 1. " [A]n open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to- use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments . . . It’s an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development ...

  5. Springer, 2023 URL = Introduction Michel Bauwens: "This new book on the Korean Wave, is much more than that: it is grounded in a full cultural and class history of the country it explains the uniqueness of the Korean wave it brings a convincing theory of ...

  6. Epidigital. Epidigital is a term that has gained traction in recent years as a means of articulating developments in contemporary culture, which has seen a move beyond the postdigital mode of the late 20th century. The term is defined by an artist, designer, and forefather of the Postdigital movement, Ryota Matsumoto in 2021.

  7. Book: The Uncontrollability of the world. By Harmut Rosa. Polity Press, 2023 URL = Review Paul J. D’Ambrosio: "There is not a single reference to “virus,” “pandemic,” “race,” or any other “2020-was-the-worst-year-ever” topic in his new book. When it comes to ...