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  1. 膝蓋關節疼痛 蹲下 相關

  2. 98%滿意愛用實證,行動保養就選三得利固力伸,獨家萃取精華營養,順順行+步步強複方一瓶到位. 固力伸支持你的健康運動人生,順順行+步步強配方相輔相成,一瓶在手順暢靈活,穩固敏捷持走力


  1. 例句與用法. Ill - fitting shoes can lead to blisters , ankle and knee pain , and loss of movement on the court. 不合適的鞋會導致水泡,踝關節膝關節痛 ,場上運動喪失。 用"膝關節痛"造句. 相關詞匯.

  2. 例句與用法. Arthralgia and bone pain may occur . 關節痛 和骨可能會發生。. Symptoms : fever , headache , joint pain and skin rash. 病徵:發燒頭痛 關節痛 及出疹. Symptoms : fever , headache , rash and joint pain. 病徵:發燒頭痛出疹及 關節痛. The doctor prescribed a new medicine for the pain in my joint ...

  3. "關節疼痛性腫" 英文翻譯: painful swelling of joint "骨節疼痛" 英文翻譯 : arthralgia "肢節疼痛" 英文翻譯 : soreness of the limbs and joints

  4. 英文翻譯 手機版. 1. [生理學] (骨頭連接處) joint; articulation; articulus; juncture; arthrosis; article; artus; knuckle. 短語和例子. 手指關節 finger joint; 一個關節脫臼了。. a joint has started. 人老了, 關節也硬化了。. the man is getting old and his joints are stiff. 2.

  5. vt. (kneed; kneeing) 1.用膝蓋碰。 2.用彎頭 [彎管]接合。 3.〔口語〕使 (褲子的)膝部凸出。 "knee lift,knee" 中文翻譯 : 吸腿. "a scrape on the knee" 中文翻譯 : 膝蓋擦傷處. "above knee" 中文翻譯 : 過膝; 膝蓋以上,膝上. "above the knee" 中文翻譯 : 膝蓋上方. "above-knee" 中文翻譯 : 膝上. "abscess of knee" 中文翻譯 : 膝膿腫. "arch knee" 中文翻譯 : 艉拱形肘板. "arthrectomy of knee" 中文翻譯 : 膝關節切除術. "arthritis of knee" 中文翻譯 : 托疽,膝眼毒.

  6. 股骨遠端. "distal epiphysis of femur" 中文翻譯 : 股骨遠端上髁. "distal shaft of femur" 中文翻譯 : 遠端股骨干. "epiphysiolysis of distal end of femur" 中文翻譯 : 股骨遠端骨骺分離. "closed fracture of distal end of femur" 中文翻譯 : 股骨遠端閉合性骨折. "open fracture of distal end of femur" 中文 ...

  7. 例句與用法. Squatting down , the two of them started to have a chat . 兩人 蹲下 就聊起來了。. Nevins . cat , get down ! they ' re gonna see you. 奈維斯。貓, 蹲下 !他們要看見你了. The cat crouched , ready to spring at the mouse. 那只貓 蹲下 ,準備撲向那只老鼠。. Hey , hey ! keep your hands off me ...

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