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  1. 防曬噴霧 相關

  2. 涼感還是防曬?小孩子才做選擇, ONE BOY冰鋒外套讓你全都要,輕薄透氣好收納,一穿就涼得很有感. 騎車 ONEBOY,海邊 ONEBOY,運動 ONEBOY,防曬、抗UV ONEBOY,最適合日常休閒的穿搭都在ONEBOY

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  3. 採用高科技布料,獲ARPANSA認證UPF50+防曬效果,無毒環保抗UV,戶外休閒必備單品,線上挑選! 從海灘到山林,首選《UV100》!專業級防曬技術舒透不悶熱,醫生推薦防曬單品,99%抗紫外線傷害!


  1. 這些產品包括抗紫外線防曬霜,防紫外線輻射眼鏡,抗紫外線防曬服飾及配件等。 Compound wood can keep fire , heat out and no rot . it is similarly to the wood , and in various colors

  2. 防曬英文翻譯: moisturizer…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋防曬英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯防曬,防曬的英語例句用法和解釋。 防曬英文_防曬英文怎麼說

  3. 例句與用法. It is also applicable to other sunburn preventive measures. ,亦可給予其他 防曬用品 一個spf值。 It says here that all tourists should bring swimsuits and sun block. 這里說旅客應自備泳衣和 防曬用品 。 A : it says here that all tourists should bring swimsuits and sun block. 這里說旅客應自備泳衣和 防曬用品 。 Re - apply the sunscreen frequently , especially after swimming or playing sport.

  4. 噴霧器英文翻譯: sprayer; [采礦工程] mist projector…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋噴霧器英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯噴霧器,噴霧器的英語例句用法和解釋。

  5. A leak would have become a blowtorch . 只要漏一點,就會成為 噴槍 。 The coatings are sprayed onto the components being analyzed by using aerosol cans or compressed-air spray guns . 涂料是用按鈕噴霧罐或壓縮氣 噴槍 噴到所要分析的零件上去的。 Mold spray life, with some of the formulas mentioned above, should be at least several hours with some touched up with the spray gun .

  6. 例句與用法. The mist may soak the child's clothes and lines; change as necessary . 水霧 可弄濕小兒的衣服和床單,必要時應馬上更換。 The spray nozzles are designed to produce a dense spray at a predetermined angle . 噴嘴是按預定角度產生稠密 水霧 來設計的。 Clouds, rain, fog, snow, steam, and spray are commonly observed natural aerosols which are composed almost exclusively of water .

  7. A將數滴精華油滴在紙巾棉花上,再貼到空調冷氣 抽濕機 風扇的出風口上,最好在不同角落都放置。. Household appliances , including refrigerators , room coolers , washing machines , compact fluorescent lamps , electrical storage water heaters , electric rice cookers , dehumidifiers , televisions and electronic ...

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