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  1. Intelligent behavior in individuals is rich and multifaceted. It involves perception, monitoring, deliberating, remembering and forgetting, categorizing, coming up with new ideas and modifying old ones, negotiating and discussing, making decisions, testing hypotheses and experimenting.

  2. Relational Reality example #3: Many studies since 1973 have found that when an IQ test is given to young adults, first-born individuals tend to score a few points higher than do siblings who came later in the birth order of the family.

  3. 我们将在研究P2P模式的特点时详细定义这些术语,以下是最普遍和最重要的一些特征: P2P是指被创造的如下的生产方式: - 通过生产者(他们可以取得所分配的资本)之间的自由合作产生使用价值:这就是对等生产模式,“第三种生产模式”,不同于国有企业的公营或营利性生产。 其产品不具有市场上的交换价值,而在使用者团体中具有使用价值。 - 其过程和决策由生产者团体自行管理,而不受市场分配或企业管理层级的支配。 这就是P2P管理模式,或“第三种管理模式”。 - 通过新的财产公有机制,使这种使用价值可被广泛的自由使用:这就是其分配或“物权模式”:“第三种所有权模式”,不同于私有财产或公共(国有)财产。 P2P的基础结构. 需要什么来推动该点对点模式的出现呢?

  4. Introduction. The process of integration, leading to the formulation of a new, more plausible hypothesis, is part of the induction process, which is still unconscious and inaccessible for conscious reasoning.

  5. Summary. "In a recent study, two British social scientists have assembled data from nearly two dozen of the richest countries in the world. The data shows how strongly levels of income inequality correlate with a variety of indicators of social well-being. As a rule, more unequal societies have more homicides, violent crime, and prisoners; more ...

  6. Engage all levels of intelligence: Integrate open mind (IQ: intellectual knowledge), open heart (EQ: emotional and relational knowledge), and open will (SQ: self knowledge). Systems Thinking: Integrate methods and tools derived from 30 years of organizational

  7. Putting in place organizational learning tools and practices to foster continuous improvement and to boost your organization's collective IQ" Examples 40 examples of Corporate Open Innovation [2]