Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 2024年1月6日 · Using data collected from an original survey of over 600 ride-hailing drivers in two Chinese cities, the roles of the state and capital, as well as their interactions in shaping capital's control over the platform reserve army in China, are clarified.

  2. 2024年4月6日 · Born out of this realization, Valocracy is a system that aims to economically incentivize individuals to generate true value for their organizations and for themselves, all while being free to choose between one or several organizations and the activities that better fit their life ambitions.

  3. 2016年6月20日 · On the one hand, markets can be “embedded,” enmeshed in non-economic institutions and subject to non-economic norms, such as “the just price” and “the fair wage.”. On the other hand, markets can be “disembedded,” freed from extra-economic controls and governed immanently, by supply and demand.

  4. 2017年12月17日 · Today, with an investment of $300,000, you can develop smart phones under your own brand – simply follow these steps: Bring your design to Shenzhen; find a factory to produce it; sign an order for 10,000 sets of phones at a price of $30 per set.

  5. Description. "In what follows, I will revisit—and, I hope, revitalize—the Socialist Calculation Debate, exploring some of the ways in which the participants conceived the relations between knowledge, price and social coordination, and how their referents may have changed in the age of big data.

  6. Bio. "Tiziana Terranova is well known for her thesis, formulated in the early 2000s, that the free labor of users is the source of economic value in the digital economy. Free labor is an ambivalent concept, rooted in Italian post-workerist labor theories of value, such as Paolo Virno's re-reading of Marx's notion of the general intellect ...

  7. "For anyone scratching their head about how to understand the deeper social and economic dynamics of online networks, a terrific new report has been released by Michel Bauwens called Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy.

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