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  1. Emily Parker: "Xinchejian, founded in 2010, means "new workshop." It occupies a rented room in a Shanghai warehouse. Members pay around $16 a month to use the space and tools, and on Wednesday nights it is open to the public. The Taiwan-born David Li, a 40-year-old programmer and a co-founder of Xinchejian, wants to lower the barriers for ...

  2. Šmihula identified six long-waves within modern society and the capitalist economy, each of which was initiated by a specific technological revolution: [ 1. Wave of the Financial-agricultural revolution (1600–1780) 2. Wave of the Industrial revolution (1780–1880) 3. Wave of the Technical revolution (1880–1940) 4.

    • Concept
    • Book: The Hacker Ethic
    • Bio
    • Discussion
    • More Information

    From the Wikipedia: 1. "The hacker ethic comprises the values and philosophy that are standard in the hacker community. The early hacker culture and resulting philosophy originated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the 1950s and 1960s. The term 'hacker ethic' is attributed to journalist Steven Levy as described in his book title...

    Source of the concept is the book: Himanen, Pekka. The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age. Random House, 2002 Quote from the back cover of The Hacker Ethic, by Pekka Himanen: “Nearly a century ago, Max Weber articulated the animating spirit of the industrial age, the Protestant ethic. Now, Pekka Himanen - together with Linus Torvald...

    Pekka Himanen URL = Pekka Himanen is a Finnish philosopher and researcher on the information society, most well-known for his landmark book The Hacker Ethic, which updates Max Weber's classic on the Calvinist work ethic. In his book he shows how network society is both exacerbating the Calvinist work ethic to the point where it becomes immoral and ...

    A view on the hacker ethic by Richard Barbrook

    From the "Manifesto for ‘Digital Artisans: 4. We will shape the new information technologies in our own interests. Although they were originally developed to reinforce hierarchical power, the full potential of the Net and computing can only be realised through our autonomous and creative labour. We will transform the machines of domination into the technologies of liberation. 9. For those of us who want to be truly creative in hypermedia and computing, the only practical solution is to become...

    On the necessity of open collaboration

    " The free sharing of information - in this case code as opposed to software development - has nothing to do with altruism or a specific anti-authoritarian social vision. It is motivated by the fact that in a complex collaborative process, it is effectively impossible to differentiate between the "raw material" that goes into a creative process and the "product" that comes out. Even the greatest innovators stand on the shoulders of giants. All new creations are built on previous creations and...

    Tony Prug: the hacker ethic and the protestant ethic

    From "Hackers and the Protestant ethics For Himanen_(2001), it is the hacker ethics that drives thedevelopment of Free Software. Hacker not meaning just a computerspecialist of certain type, but any person who practices some of thehacker ethics. It was Levy_(1984) who first formulated main point ofhackers ethics as: a) access to computers (and anything which mightteach you something about the way the world works) should beunli...

    See also The Hacker Manifesto and the Play Ethic
    The Hacker Ethic and Meaningful Work. Tom Chance, essay
  3. Characteristics. David Chapman: "Meta-rationality isn’t about solving problems; that’s what rationality is for. Meta-rationality can help you use rationality more effectively. By understanding problems and potential solution approaches in broader contexts, you become more likely to solve them—but you’ll do that rationally.

  4. 2017年4月29日 · Definition. From the Wikipedia: "A distributed search engine is a search engine where there is no central server. Unlike traditional centralized search engines, work such as crawling, data mining, indexing, and query processing is distributed among several peers in decentralized manner where there is no single point of control."

  5. Description. "The Phantom protocol is a system for decentralized anonymization of generic network traffic. It has been designed with the following main goals in mind: 1. Completely decentralized. - No critical or weak points to attack or put (il)legal pressure on. 2. Maximum resistance against all kinds of DoS attacks.

  6. "Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one "step" away from each person he or she knows and two "steps" away from each person who is known by one of the people he or she knows, then everyone is no more than six "steps" away from each person on Earth.

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