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  2. 箇隻條目要譯或改寫到贛語。 (上道編輯:20201226110604) 勞架去要譯成贛語嗰文章許頭望吖GayVN Awards嗰討論。 要係箇隻條目兩隻禮拜都冇譯成贛語佢就可能會拕刪吥去或者移到別嗰維基百科。

  3. 微軟起先發行兩隻版本:專業版(Windows XP Professional)同家庭版(Windows XP Home Edition),末後又發行媒體中心版(Windows XP Media Center Edition)、平板電腦版(Windows XP Tablet PC Editon)、嵌入版(Windows XP Embedded)同到瘦客戶端版(Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs)等。. 外部 ...

  4. From professional animal and plant shots to breathtaking panoramas and skylines, restorations of historically relevant images, images portraying the world's best architecture, maps, emblems, diagrams created with the most modern technology, and impressive ...

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