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    KK [ˋloˋki]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 調子低的;抑制的
    • 2. 【攝】暗調的

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  2. adjective. uk / ˌləʊˈkiː / us / ˌloʊˈkiː / Add to word list. A low-key event is quiet and without a great show of excitement. (活動)低調的,不張揚的. The wedding was a low-key affair, with fewer than 30 people attending. 婚禮辦得很低調,參加者不足30人。 同義詞. subdued. (low-key在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) low-key的 例句.

  3. 2020年5月12日 · 在這期節目裡,我們教大家如何使用流行詞 「lowkey」。. 「Lowkey」 作副詞時,意思是 「偷偷地,暗地裡」。. 大家對 「low-key」 作形容詞時的用法可能不陌生。. Roy. Most people know 『low-key’ as an adjective which describes things – such as events that are quiet. Feifei ...

  4. 2020年9月22日 · 英語學習. 低調 Low key. 一開始是指低調謙虛, 後來被用在生活中很多地方. u0003例如想辦個低調的婚禮、 或是這消息別太張揚u0003. 都可以用low key來形容. 補充:High key 就是高調的意思哦! 是不是好記又好用呢? 實用句型. Keep it low key 保持低調 / 不要張揚. lowkey crushin on someone 偷偷暗戀某人. low key love someone / somethingu0003 默默暗地裡喜歡、喜好….. IG懶人包. 看完文章想收藏一波? 就用IG收藏起來吧. 下面是IG連結. 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文.

  5. adjective. uk / ˌləʊˈkiː / us / ˌloʊˈkiː / Add to word list. A low-key event is quiet and without a great show of excitement. (活动)低调的,不张扬的. The wedding was a low-key affair, with fewer than 30 people attending. 婚礼办得很低调,参加者不足30人。 同义词. subdued. (low-key在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) low-key的 例句.

  6. quiet and not attracting a lot of attention or excitement: The wedding was a low-key affair, with fewer than 30 people attending. The army has played a low-key role, distributing food and opening up blocked transport links. Off-screen, she is lowkey and friendly.

  7. There slang terms. The phrase low key/high key is like a way to express how someone feels about something for example. "I low key don't wanna go to the park" (Implying that on the inside he doesn't want to go to the park but is not open about it) As for high key its the opposite. "I high key want to go to the park".

  8. 4 天前 · 在这期节目里,我们教大家如何使用流行词 “lowkey”。. “Lowkey” 作副词时,意思是 “偷偷地,暗地里”。. 大家对 “low-key” 作形容词时的用法 ...

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