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  1. While Missiles Fly, Flights Land: How Israel’s Airport Stays Open | WSJ. Watch on. 影片播放. The morning of October 9th, fragments of a Hamas missile land less than a mile outside of Ben Gurion Airport, Israel's main international airport. 10 月 9 日上午,一枚哈馬斯飛彈碎片落在以色列主要國際機場本古里安機場 ...

  2. 不僅如此,被害人的表弟也在拘留時被以色列警察毆打. This led to a wave of anger on the Palestinian side. On the morning of July 8, Hamas launched. 這引起了巴勒斯坦人民的眾怒 7月8日早上哈瑪斯再對以色列的城鎮發射40枚火箭. a wave of 40 rockets in the direction of Israeli towns with very little ...

  3. On October 7th, 2023, the terror organization Hamas carried out an attack on Israel. 2023 年 10 月 7 日,恐怖組織哈馬斯對以色列發動襲擊。. Since then, thousands of people on both the Israeli and Palestinian side have lost their lives, reigniting the conflict in the Middle East. 此後,以色列和巴勒斯坦雙方都有 ...

  4. 安理會第242號決議案並未要求以色列單方面撤出。相反地,聯合國要求協商出一個能讓以色列具有「安全而獲認可的邊界」的解決之道;也就是實際上能防守的邊界

  5. It's the US Secretary of State's eighth trip to the region since the war between Israel and Hamas began last October. 這是自去年 10 月以色列與哈馬斯開戰以來,美國國務卿第八次訪問該地區。. The visit comes as the United States asked the UN Security Council to vote on a draft resolution calling for an immediate ...

  6. B1 中級 中文 以色列 基地 軍方 跑道 美國 空軍 伊朗空襲以色列,兩國是否會開戰、以色列會進行什麼後續行動? (Israel will respond to Iran attacks, Israeli official says)

  7. What is going on in Israel right now is being done significantly with US military aid. 以色列目前正在發生的事情是在美國的軍事援助的幫助下完成的。. So the 2,000 pound bombs which have the capability of wiping out entire neighborhoods, those are American bombs. 因此,能夠摧毀整個社區的 2000 磅炸彈是 ...

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