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  1. 很難確實知道某人能否從昏迷中醒來,不過醫生普遍會用格拉斯哥昏迷指數來監測病患的狀況。 A higher score on this scale means that someone could be more likely to recover .

  2. 例如,空氣中含有 10% 二氧化碳的環境可以使一個成年人昏迷。 But few had considered what low amounts of carbon dioxide could do to the human brain . 但很少人知道在二氧化碳濃度低時會對大腦產生的影響。

  3. 它能讓人感到寧靜,幾乎像在子宮裡一樣,直到你發生狀況為止,在自由潛水可導致缺氧、缺氮、減壓症、短暫昏迷等等所有糟糕的症狀。 But while I wouldn 't advise trying to beat Alessia 's record , I would recommend learning the science behind the feat .

  4. Large amounts of alcohol can even lead to coma or death. 大量的酒精甚至能導致昏迷或死亡。. Long-term effects for the alcohol addicts include malnutrition and damage to heart muscles, stomach disorders like ulcers and gastritis, the liver is not able to detoxify blood or process nutrients due to liver cirrhosis.

  5. 2020年2月6日 · [əˋwɛr] (adj.) 意識到的;明白的;知道的. 2. black out 斷片. black out. (phr.) 斷片. 3. pass out (因病痛、受傷或醉酒) 昏迷;失去知覺. pass out. (phr.) (因病痛、受傷或醉酒) 昏迷;失去知覺. 今日已有 0 人參加每日口說挑戰. 目前沒有留言. 口說挑戰清單. 沒錢沒時間學英文嗎?

  6. 如果可以的話,我想宰了他們,因為我即將死於疾病。 I can paint with the red colors in these men . 我可以在這些人身上染上鮮紅的顏色。

  7. 但是今天你是來學要如何在下次吵架的時候如何痛對手 and not learn about why arguing is messy and stupid . 而不是來學爭吵有多麻煩、多愚蠢