Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


    • loop on the back of your shirt.第一:襯衫後面的小圓環。Most people look at the loop on the back of their shirt and wonder what it's for.
    • cylinder on your laptop's power cable.第二:筆電充電線上的小圓筒。Most people see the cylinder on their laptop's power cable every day and have no idea what it's for; some believe that it's for decoration.
    • tiny hole in the window of a plane.第三:飛機窗戶上的小洞。Airplane windows are made up of two pieces of perspex, which is plastic glass.
    • blue part of the eraser.第四:橡皮擦上藍色的部分。Most people think that the pink part of the eraser is for pencil marks, and the blue part is for pen marks.
  1. B2 中高級 中文 牛仔褲 戴維斯 藍色 款式 變化 風格 說到牛仔褲你會想到哪個牌子?跟著彭博社一起回顧 Levi's 如何成為牛仔褲的龍頭企業! (How Levi's Became a Denim Icon)

  2. Step 1 : If erections in school have become a daily problem, buy long buttoned shirts that you. 第一招 : 如果你每天被搭帳篷所苦,穿件長擺鈕扣上衣. can wear outside your jeans, or wear oversized sweatshirts and tees. 好遮住牛仔褲,或者是穿件寬鬆汗衫或 T 恤. Step 2. Always have a book bag with extra long straps with you—one that won’t look odd when it’s slung over.

  3. 帶你來看 12 條心理學事實!. (12 Fun and Awesome Psychology Facts You Wish You Knew) 」. Victor 剛剛學習了「 跟著加拿大人 Bob 學英文系列:練習英文祈使動詞中 to be 10 種用法!. (Learn 10 Ways to Use the English Verb "To…. Hypocrite 剛剛學習了「 愛因思坦與相對論 (Einstein and The ...

  4. 你有沒有遇過尷尬分手故事?或是聽過朋友尷尬分手事蹟?我們來看看大家跟 Jimmy 分享超強分手八招吧!#世紀最尷尬分手 1hashtag 0:08 在 Instagram, Twitter, Facebook 等社交軟體上,最流行字眼。 hashtag 「標記」就是井字號「#」本身

  5. 這件是牛仔褲材質緊身褲. These are really nice. 這件很好看. These scream my name. 這根本是為我量身打造的. Good thing I wear underwear. 幸好我有穿內褲. I was not prepared for this video which is why I wear robot boxers today so please don't show that. 我沒想到要拍這部片,所以就穿了我的機器人四角褲,請不要拍它. Pants of the past get out of here. 舊褲子走開吧. Here we go. These are really colorful. 來囉! 這件真的很鮮豔耶.

  6. VoiceTube 看影片學英語|用最實用有趣的影音,線上學英文!