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  1. 地震逃生. 这是一款地震逃生游戏关于当发生地震时如何在家中移动到安全地点进行地震安全逃生的游戏。. 我们的主角小朋友一人在家,他要移动到哪里躲避,才能更加安全呢?. 全部评测: 4 篇用户评测. 发行日期: 2021 年 11 月 25 日. 开发商: CatCat Gaming.

    • CatCat Gaming
    • 2021 年 11 月 25 日
    • CatCat Gaming
    • 4 篇用户评测
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  3. Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games. Browse thousands of titles, join millions of players, and enjoy exclusive deals and discounts. Whether you want to pay a fee to sell your own product, or subscribe to your favorite games, Steam has something for everyone.

  4. 这是一款开放世界丧尸生存沙盒游戏,地点设定在一个被封锁的城市之中,你将扮演一名城市中的学生,因为没能赶上为逃离灾变的撤离车队而被迫留在城市中,你需要与你的同学及其他留在城市中的幸存者一同待在学校里,防守学校,生存下去并等待转机。

  5. 發行日期: 2024 年 1 月 25 日. 開發人員: HappyFairy213. 發行商: HappyFairy213. 使用者為此產品所選用的熱門標籤:. 塔防 策略 即時戰術 俯視視角 2D 末日之後. 基地建設 戰爭遊戲 極簡主義 休閒 生存 單人 戰鬥 資源管理 獨立 建造 困難.

  6. › app › 2254890Steam - 致命解药

    致命解药. This is a TPS game. Shooting, fighting, dress-up, puzzle solving, and more. In the future, a special germ causes humans to be constantly infected and mutated. The protagonist, Jodi, is a brave journalist who goes on his way to find the legendary antidote and is in danger. 所有評論:.

  7. › app › 2647230HoloParade on Steam

    A lively parade with hololive VTubers and mascot characters! "HoloParade" is a fan game of hololive and the first title to serve as a test case for "holo Indie". Collect, nurture, and enjoy watching your favorite characters! It's a 2D tower defense game that offers depth, strategy, and can also be enjoyed casually. To hololive fans:

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