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  1. English: Jiang Zemin (1926-2022) is the former General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and the President of the People's Republic of China. 中文: 江泽民 (1926-2022) 曾任 中国共产党 中央委员会总书记和 中华人民共和国 主席。 1947年,在 上海. 1955年,在 莫斯科. 1957年,在 长春. 1962年,在 上海. Zemin at Hickam Air Base, 1997. During a press conference with George W. Bush in October 2001.

    • Buildings and Sculptures as Works of Art
    • Legal Status of Pictures
    • Photographs of Buildings
    • Choice of Law
    • Publishing of Reproductions
    • Public Places
    • Permanent vs Temporary
    • Architecture vs Sculptures
    • Music, Literature etc.
    • Acknowledgment of Source

    Every building and sculpture we can see in our neighbourhood is subject to the copyright law, as far as it incorporates artistic creativity. The Berne convention, art.2-1 explicitly states so: "The expression "literary and artistic works" shall include [...] works of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving and lithography". Usually, t...

    The Berne convention Article 9explicitly states that: 1. Authors of literary and artistic works protected by this Convention shall have the exclusive right of authorizing the reproduction of these works, in any manner or form. 2. It shall be a matter for legislation in the countries of the Union to permit the reproduction of such works in certain s...

    A photograph of a building or even any scene in a city or a village inevitably depicts some pieces of architecture or even sculptures. The photograph may or may not have its own creative element, making it a work of its own, but the value of this work clearly depends on the value in the works that are depicted on it. In case of such a dependency, t...

    The question of what country's law applies in a freedom of panorama case is an unsettled issue. There are several potentially conflicting legal principles, any of which might be used to determine the applicable law (see Choice of law). The law used is likely to be one of the following: the country in which the object depicted is situated, the count...

    The article above allows one to reproduce and publish photographs taken in public places. It is understood that this includes publishing the pictures in a commercial way.

    German law allows photographers to take pictures that are visible from publicly accessible places. This includes private ways and parks with common access. However, it does not include railway station buildings or platforms. The picture must be taken from a publicly accessible point. It is not permitted to take a picture of such a building from a p...

    The exhibited objects must be exhibited in a permanent way. If a work is presented on a public place temporarily, one may be obliged to get the explicit permission to take its picture. Whether a work is installed at a public place permanently or not is not a question of absolute time, but a question of what the intention was when the work was place...

    German law allows photography of both buildings and sculptures. The situation in the United States is different. See below.

    Sometimes, a literary work is a part of a building or sculpture or is presented on a publicly accessible plaque. In most jurisdictions, the literary work has a separate copyright which must be considered separately unless it is an integral part of the building or sculpture. A plaque describing the building or sculpture will not qualify unless the w...

    The copyright law usually obliges the photographer to credit the authors of works depicted in his photograph. That usually means that the photographer must provide a description of the depicted objects and the authors thereof. However, the photographer can be exempted from the obligation when the authorship is difficult to deduce. For instance, Ger...

  2. 文化大革命期間遭受迫害,周恩來在逮捕書上簽字同意,關到被军管的北京公安局看守所,1968年10月4日死於獄中,去世時赤身裸體,身上只有一副鐐銬,傳聞青曾讓刑事犯在強光下剝光孫維世的衣服,進行輪姦,犯人強姦得逞可以減刑,死後被發現頭上被釘

  3. 您可以使用下列的訊息模板;請將 Foo.jpg 替換為實際的檔案名稱 (此為純HTML語法─隨網站不同,可能需要調整其連結及語法) :. 感謝您將這張圖片標識為自由許可!. 閣下的選擇讓我們可以在<a href="">Wikimedia Commons</a>使用您的圖片。. 是 ...

  4. 首頁- Wikimedia Commons

  5. One Hundred Famous Views of Edo. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. English: One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (in Japanese 名所江戸百景 Meisho Edo Hyakkei) is a series of ukiyo-e prints begun and largely completed by the Japanese artist Hiroshige from 1856 to 1858.

  6. 凯登·克罗斯. American pornographic actress. Kayden Kross all' AVN Adult Entertainment Expo 2015. 上传媒体. 维基百科. 母语人名. 出生日期. 1985年9月15日. 萨克拉门托 (美国, 加利福尼亚州)

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