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  1. 簡單來說,稅前利潤就是企業的營業收入扣除成本和利息,再加上一部分來自於合夥企業的收益。 Operating profits are seen as an even more straightforward measure. 營業利潤則是更直接了當的計算法。 On the face of it, these are nothing more than sales minus operating costs. 表面上,營業利潤就只是營業收入減去營業成本。 But even this is a little more complicated. 但這背後有許多複雜的因素。

  2. 掌握理財、辦公室、書信、面試等職場英文,隨時秒懂世界財經大事,各種商用英文溝通情境都能輕鬆應對.

  3. 美國小費文化大失控,究竟怎麼了? (How Tipping Culture Took Over the U.S. | WSJ) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. I'm purchasing an office chair online and they're asking me if I want to leave a tip. 我在網上買了一把辦公椅,他們問我要不要給小費。 25%, 20%, 18% tip for what? 25%、20%、18% 的小費給什麼? Tipping culture has gone way too far. 小費文化已經走火入魔了。

  4. 我會教你們在談數學時必學的英文說法,耐心點. First thing: the very, very long word for this is "mathematics". We. 第一件事,這個非常非常長的的字是「數學」. never have to say "mathematics", or "arithmetic". If you are a very, very old. 我們從不說mathematics或是arithmetic,如果你是個. person ...

  5. 第一個面試最常見的問題自我介紹。 For this question, don't talk about your personal life. 面對這個問題,千萬不要介紹自己的私生活。 Highlight your strengths by talking about specific past work experiences. 重點放在講述過去工作的實戰經驗,來顯示你的優勢。 The second most commonly asked question is—why should we hire you? 第二個問題是:我們為何要僱用你?

  6. VoiceTube 看影片學英語|十萬部英文學習影片,每天更新!. 用電影、音樂、脫口秀影片 輕鬆聽懂英語、說好英文. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!. 上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。.

  7. 暫停一下,再著用自己的話去表達那個想法。 Another approach is to simply listen to the whole speech and then try to deliver that entire speech yourself . 還有一個方式是,你聽完整個演講,再著用自己的方式表達出整個演講。

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