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  1. 掀床 相關

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  1. Everything you need to never move again. 隨手可得的這些東西都讓你永遠不用再動。 But it won't be long until you realize that you've made a terrible mistake. 但不用多久你就會發現,這可是大錯特錯。 People spend lazy Sundays or sick days in bed all the time and are no worse for wear, but if you don't start moving again after about 24 hours, one of the first things to change is your lungs.

  2. 我們通常會有外層薄床單(被單)和笠(包),笠指的就是下層的床單, to use fancy words like fitted sheet , top sheet -- just two sheets . And you know what ?

  3. (25 Reasons That Everything You Thought You Knew About Sleep Is Wrong) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. Number 25: Despite the fact that you will sleep for roughly 1/3 of your life, scientists are still not entirely sure as to why. 25. 儘管一生中大約有 1/3 的時間在睡覺,科學家們仍然無法確定真正原因.

  4. VoiceTube 看影片學英語|用最實用有趣的影音,線上學英文! 熱門標籤. 熱門影片. 字幕已審核. 04:08. 你知道嗎,跟陌生人閒聊居然可以為生活帶來改變! (The Life Changing Effect of Small Talk With Strangers) # 閒聊 # 陌生人. 中文 B1 中級. 字幕已審核. 04:34. 好厲害! 快來看阿聯酋航空如何準備 1 天 22 萬 5 千份空中餐點! (How Emirates Makes 225,000 In-Flight Meals A Day) # 阿聯酋 # 乘客. 中文 B1 中級. 字幕已審核. 03:56. 明明英文文法一級棒,為什麼就是無法開口說英文呢?

  5. 床架用 METOD 系統廚房櫃創造下收納大空間。 We left this space for movable storage. 並且騰出這個空間放移動式收納。 We screwed wheels on an IVAR shelf, so some things can be hidden but still easy to access. 我們把 IVAR 層架裝上輪子,這樣就能收納且容易拿取。 Because this couple rents, we tried not to drill any holes. 由於房子是租的,我們盡量不在牆上鑽孔。

  6. 我們知道的,水床出現於 1968 年,就在「愛之夏」 (一場嬉皮社會運動) 的隔年。 (It was) a very open, experimental time in San Francisco. 在當時的舊金山,時代很開放,講求實驗創新。 That's Charlie Hall, the man who invented the waterbed. 這位是查利.霍爾,水床的發明者。 The waterbed was part of Charlie's thesis project at San Francisco State University. 「水床」源自查理在就讀舊金山州立大學期間寫的論文。

  7. 影片播放. If you wanna change the world, start off by making your bed. (audience laughs) If you wanna change the world, start off by making your bed. (audience laughs) 如果你想改變世界,先把你的棉被摺好。. (觀眾大笑) 字幕與單字. 已審核. B1 中級 中文 美國腔 鯊魚 棉被 放棄 任務 海豹 歌聲.

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