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  1. 學這些英文用法眼鏡,雷射,近視,視力,眼睛,手術,形容詞,眼球,不佳,遠處,醫生,名詞,薄膜,動詞,鏡片,漩渦,說法,用語,醫師,叫做,清楚,形容,問題,顏色,哈利路亞,隱形眼鏡,光束,瘋狂,重疊,有色,拼法,鬧鐘,紳士,切開,支票,看到,紫色,時鐘,片語,一模一樣,換成,棕色,清潔 ...

  2. 在治療方面發現得早可以使用眼藥水藥物雷射以及其他相關手術。 One treatment however , doesn 't appear to pass the smell test , just yet . 有一項治療方式,似乎還沒有通過真實性。

  3. 成為一名醫生並不像決定上醫學院那麼簡單。. 作為一個. future physician, there are 5 important decisions you'll need to make that will shape your experience, 未來的醫生,你需要做出5個重要的決定,這將塑造你的經驗。. future options, and even your happiness. Here's how to navigate them. 未來的 ...

  4. - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. Millions of people travel abroad for medical treatment, from dental work to major heart surgery. 數以萬計的人出國接受醫療治療從看牙醫到心臟手術都有。 All done at a fraction of the cost back home. 醫療所需費用比國內便宜很多。 Medical tourism brings in billions of dollars a year worldwide. 全世界醫療旅遊每年帶來價值數十億的商機。

  5. 請記住,吊銷執照的原因將保留在記錄中,並可能影響未來的職業前景,例如海外就業。. More than 10,000 have resigned, forcing hospitals to turn away patients and cancel surgeries. 超過一萬人辭職迫使醫院拒絕病人並取消手術。. Authorities have begun an investigation into key officials of two ...

  6. 首先您可以在診室內進行手術。 You go into your dentist 's office , usually one visit is all that it takes , and your dentist applies a whitening gel to your teeth . 您到牙醫診所就診,通常只需一次,然後牙醫會在您的牙齒上塗抹美白凝膠,

  7. 我們通常都在早上進行手術。 We ' re doing open heart surgery on a patient this morning , a minimally invasive mitral valve repair through a little incision in the side . 我們今天早上要幫一位病人開心臟的刀透過側邊的一個小切口進行隱藏式微創傷口二尖瓣手術

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