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  1. 多年來,大多數科學家認為出現這種情況的原因是螢幕--或者更多的原因是...... Or more specifically, because kids were spending most of their time looking at things only a short distance away. 特別是,因為孩子們把大部分時間都花在了看不遠處的東西上. You see, our eyes focus most easily on stuff in the middle distance. 遠處。 你看,我們的眼睛最容易聚焦在中距離的東西上。 為了看清楚.

  2. "squint" or "squinting". So I -- or maybe you -- squint because you can't see something. 「squint」或「squinting」 (瞇眼看)。 所以我會 -- 或你可能會 -- 瞇眼,因為你看不清楚。 properly. If this has happened to you, you might be a victim of bad eyesight. So you. 如果你有這樣的情形,你可能受視力不佳所苦了,所以你. need to go to an eye doctor. Now, a lot of doctors like to use bigger words.

  3. The game view camera is a. 要呈現益智遊戲或俯視射擊遊戲 相機應該是靜止並對著遊戲場景. component attached to a game object. 在範例裡,我們將相機置中 並移除任何不需要的旋轉數值. This means we can manipulate, or move our camera. 讓鏡頭由上往下看並抬高點 模擬一個俯視射擊遊戲場景. like any other game object, 這裡我們用正射模式 (Orthographic) 後面會解釋這個模式. including parenting, scripting, 一個場景裡可以有很多台相機 每台相機負責著色不同的環境區塊.

  4. 影片播放. Here's how to zoom in Minecraft on PC. 下面是如何在PC上放大Minecraft。 With no mods, your ability to zoom in Minecraft is limited to the FOV setting, which changes how wide or narrow your character's point of view is. 沒有mods,你的能力,以放大在Minecraft的限於FOV設置。 變化的寬窄你的角色的觀點是: In the pause menu, click "Options" and you'll see the FOV slider on top.

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