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  1. 國營事業招考 相關

  2. 經濟部所屬台電、中油、台水、台糖國營事業聯合招考薪最高42K,考試沒有年齡上限. 教學專業5力面面俱到,各科線上名師&課後AI測評師&申論批卷專師&APP解惑專師&駐班導師


  1. Robert Ware: "The International Committee for the Promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives (ICCIC), known as Gung Ho, is a remarkable organization that promotes and supports producer cooperatives throughout China. From its founding, over seventy years ago, Gung Ho has encouraged and sustained - with international support - industrial ...

  2. More Information. why we need Open Cooperatives: Why We Need a New Kind of Open Cooperativism for the P2P Age. in-depth rationale: From the Communism of Capital to a Capital for the Commons. pop science article: Cooperativism in the digital era, or how to form a global counter-economy. Bibliography: Open Cooperativism Reading List. Categories ...

  3. Definition. "People’s organizations (POs), unlike NGOs, are established by and represent sectors of the population like small farmers, artisanal fisherfolk, slum dwellers and others. POs take a wide variety of forms and exist at various levels. - Community-based organizations (CBOs) mobilize and represent local populations and directly ...

  4. 2014年1月12日 · The vectoral class comes into its own once it is in possession of powerful technologies for vectoralising information. The vectoral class may commodify information stocks, flows, or vectors themselves. A stock of information is an archive, a body of information maintained through time that has enduring value.

    • Description
    • Typology of RBE Movements
    • Discussion
    • More Information

    1.Excerpt copied (and edited) from the Venus Project site: "A Resource-Based Economy is a system in which all goods and services are available without the use of any system of debt or servitude like money, credits or barter. All resources become the common heritage of all people, not just a select few. The premise upon which this system is based is...

    Humanistic RBE

    Rene Muller: "As pointed out above, the TVP and TZM view on RBE is a rather mechanistic and technocratic solution, and lacks some of the humanistic, spiritual and holistic perspectives, fortunately there are also other groups who work on developing RBE further with a large scope, like The Resourcebased As there is a lot of talk about technology, design, architecture and the like this website ( tries to discuss the term ‘resource based economy’ from a h...

    Directivist RBE

    Rene Muller: "People 4 Social Sustainability (PSS) also has picked up (August 2011) the term from its predecessor "The Promethean Workers Association (PWA)" a movement that drew ideas largely from Robert Anton Wilson's "Prometheus Rising" and on Gnosticism, Discordianism, Metaphysics, and RBE that publically accepted neophytes/ initiates as a movement/ tradition from 2004-2010. PSS adapted PWA's version of RBE and separated it from the more mystical tradition based New Aeon view's of The PWA....

    The RBE definition by the Venus Project and Zeitgeist Movement

    Comment By Robin of ShareWiki: "In a Resource-Based Economy, people do not make decisions; they arrive at them through the use of advanced technological tools that incorporate The Scientific Method. There is no ‘Republican’ or ‘Liberal’ way to design an airplane… so why do we use these outdated worldviews in society today? When we recognize that society is a technological invention, with its component variables really no different than the component variables of an airplane, we then see that...

    See how it is related to Social Credit Systems Video: Franz Hörmann on a World Without Money via Jean Depiesse: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Supportive organizations : 1. http://...

  5. 2012年3月18日 · 1 A Typology of Co-Creation. 1.1 Club of experts. 1.2 Crowd of People. 1.3 Coalition of Parties. 1.4 Community of kindred spirits.

  6. 2023年12月18日 · Nick Dyer-Whiteford: "The idea of batshit jobs is that there are some jobs that involve profound contradiction: They make workers participate in the destruction of the conditions of life in order to make a living. The most obvious examples of such work happens in fossil industries, but also aviation, car manufacture, industrial agriculture, the ...

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