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  1. 單字即點即查 點擊單字可以查詢單字解釋. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:大雨,想要,高爾夫,姊姊,蝴蝶,弟弟,哥哥,妹妹,嬰兒,經典,爸爸,媽媽,改天,番 ...

  2. 如果是大雨,你們可以說:「It's pouring (傾盆大雨)」。 So , you can pour juice , pour milk , pour liquid out of a container , same idea . 你們會倒 (pour) 果汁、牛奶、或是其他液態,一樣的意思。

  3. Heavy rains in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul have left hundreds of towns underwater. 巴西南部南里奧格蘭德州的大雨導致數百個城鎮被淹沒。 Over 90 people have died in the floods and about 155,000 have had to leave their homes. 超過 90 人在洪水中喪生,約 155,000 人被迫離開家園。 More than 130 people are still missing. 目前仍有130多人下落不明。

  4. 東南部接連不斷的豪大雨和暴洪造成 4 人喪命。 The French capital has been drenched with three weeks of rain in just an hour . 法國首都在一個小時內下了三星期的雨量。

  5. They're basically three types of winter precipitation, snow, freezing rain and sleet. 基本上就是冬季降水的三種類型,雪、凍雨和雨夾雪。. Snow is pretty simple. 雪很簡單。. Basically, the temperature at all levels of the atmosphere are below 32 degrees. 基本上,大氣層各層的溫度都在32度以下。. When it ...

  6. Hi everybody. We're at Xiaowulai Waterfall. 大家好。 我們在小烏來瀑布. Today there's a really nice flow. 今天瀑布水流有一點大。 It rained a few days ago, so it looks really beautiful right now. 前幾天下雨,所以現在看起來真美. We plan to hike up the adjacent river. 我們打算徒步走到鄰近的河流。 Last year we flew a drone all the way up the mountain, 去年我們用空拍機沿溪流一路拍上山.

  7. 台灣人常犯的英文錯誤第二集! We had corrected 5 Chinglish sentences in the first episode. A lot of people liked it. 在第一集我們糾正了五句中式英文,反應很好喔. They said it was very useful and wanted to learn more. 很多人說很實用很想要繼續看. So today, we also have 5 sentences for you. 所以今天的話,我們也是準備了五句. I very like last episode. Wait a second, Lil Ray. It's not your turn yet...

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