Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 妳知道嗎... You're not exactly what I expected. 妳跟我想像的不太一樣。 Well, maybe you shouldn't judge people before you get to know them. 或許你不該在真正認識一個人之前就以貌取人。 Princess! 公主! Wait, wait - What are you doing? 等、等等...你在幹嘛? Be still, mon cherie, for I am your savior, and I am rescuing you from this green... beast. 聽好了,我的親愛的,我是你的拯救者,我要從這個錄色的...禽獸手中拯救妳。

  2. 一個如火燃燒女孩 Everybody stands , as she goes by Cause they can see the flame that 's in her eyes 當她經過時,所有人都站起身子,被她眼裡的火光深深吸引

  3. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。

  4. One. 一。 They are off and racing. 他們開始賽跑了。 The lanky wanker on the outside has gotten off to a good start. 最外邊的瘦長白癡有個很好的開始。 Into the water now where the challenge is to make sure your wife doesn't drown. 進入水裡啦,現在的挑戰就是確保老婆不溺水。 The sheila at the back is fucked. 這最後面的老婆完了。 I think her husband is trying to use this as a legal way to get rid of her.

  5. 但是當你定下了一個日子,也訂下了一機票,倒數計時就正式開始。 No matter what 's happening , they ' re always in the back of your mind . 不管發生什麼事,他總是在你的腦海中。

  6. Losing everything I have -- like, my family, my friends, and stuff like that. 失去我所擁有的一切,像是我的家人、朋友之類的. My greatest fear is losing what I love -- my family, my activities, my friends. 我最大的恐懼是失去我所愛的,我的家庭、我身邊的一切、我的朋友. I think I've lived my ...

  7. 他說:「我跟我的高中女友分手,用一 Excel 圖表來描繪我們向下墜落的感情。 You notice here that there 's a sharp decline of snuggles . 你可以看到,在這裡我們依偎的次數有明顯的遞減。