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  1. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台! 上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。 是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。

  2. 然而,2024 年,該公司連續兩個季度盈利未達預期,打破了這一記錄。. Quarter three earnings per share did meet Wall Street expectations, but missed revenue expectations by $130 million. 第三季度的每股收益達到了華爾街的預期,但收入卻比預期少了 1.3 億美元。. At the end of July, the share ...

  3. 你絕對有能力決定你自己的命運. The question you face is: which path will you choose? 你面對的問題是:你要選擇哪條道路? Everything you do in life, every choice you make, 人生中你所做的每一件事、所做的每個選擇. has a consequence. 都會有其後果. When you do things without thinking, then you ain't making the choice, the choice is making you. 當你不經思考而行,你就不是在做選擇,而是選擇在塑造你.

  4. Today, I'm going to give you eight powerful ways to how you can become more articulate. 今天我將告訴你八個強有力的方法,讓你變得更加善於表達。. Being articulate is nothing more than being able to express your thoughts and ideas in a way that people can understand exactly what you're trying to say. 善於表達無非 ...

  5. 這是2004年至2010年期間世界上最高的建築,設計非常有趣,因為這棟建築是由一個球穩定的。 It has the largest damper ball in the world, suspended from the 92nd to the 87th floor that sways to offset movements caused by strong winds and earthquakes. 它擁有世界上最大的阻尼球,懸掛在第 92 層至第 87 層,透過搖擺來抵消強風和地震造成的運動。 And the observatory is really nice. 而且觀景台真的很漂亮。

  6. 首先且最重要的,股票的價值和發行的公司有關。 If you think the value of a company in terms of a pizza. The bigger the overall size of the pizza, the bigger every piece is. 如果把企業的價值想成披薩,整個披薩越大,每一片也就越大。

  7. Breakfast specifically helps to keep blood sugar and hormone levels regular and gives your metabolism a boost to burn more calories through the day. 尤其是吃早餐有助維持血糖及荷爾蒙濃度,加速新陳代謝,讓身體在一天中燃燒更多卡路里。. Adding more protein and low fat dairy to your diet helps as well. 飲食 ...

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