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  1. Description. As mentioned in the Pando white-paper the aim of this project is to : “Offer a distributed cooperation, distribution and valuation infrastructure to Commons Creative Contents (CCC) i.e. any kind of content produced through an open process such as - but not restricted to: Open Source Software, Books licensed under Creative Commons ...

  2. 2017年6月26日 · The longer term goal is for Matrix to act as a generic HTTP messaging and data synchronisation system for the whole web - allowing people, services and devices to easily communicate with each other, empowering users to own and control their data and select the services and vendors they want to use."

  3. 2009年10月11日 · Definition. "A Distributed Hash Table (DHT) is a distributed and often decentralized mechanism for associating Hash values (keys) with some kind of content. Participants in the DHT each store a small section of the contents of the hashtable. The main advantage of DHTs are their scalability." ( )

  4. Description. "Pastry is a generic, scalable and efficient substrate for peer-to-peer applications. Pastry nodes form a decentralized, self-organizing and fault-tolerant overlay network within the Internet. Pastry provides efficient request routing, deterministic object location, and load balancing in an application-independent manner.

    • Context
    • P2P VoIP Products
    • More Information

    SIP is important for (SIP)-based IP telephony systems See also the related items on Internet Telephony and Open Source Telephony From IT Architect: "The Promise: A P2P VoIP network based on the SIP protocol. The Players: The IETF, which is developing the standard; the College of William & Mary and Columbia University, which have early working imple...

    SkypeSkype uses a proprietary Supernode P2P System Avay One-X Quick Edition "Avaya one-X™ Quick Edition delivers intelligent communications to very small businesses and small branches of enterprises. SIP-based peer-to-peer technology, means system set up and installation is dramatically simplified. Plug the telephones into the LAN and they configur...

    Article in New Telephony magazine General information about SIP and SIP products can be found at and Papers on using SIP in peer to peer telephony systems are located here at, The P2P-Sip blog at The related entries on Internet Telep...

  5. Description. Emily Parker: "Xinchejian, founded in 2010, means "new workshop." It occupies a rented room in a Shanghai warehouse. Members pay around $16 a month to use the space and tools, and on Wednesday nights it is open to the public.

  6. 2015年1月30日 · Nowtopia is the place to go for inspiring reports on new forms of self-organized working class movements already simmering just out of our field of sight. Recognizing these and other nowtopias will better prepare us for when and if the bubbles begin to reach the)