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  1. Bio. "Yuk Hui studied Computer Engineering and Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong and Goldsmiths College in London, with a focus on philosophy of technology. Since 2012 he teaches philosophy at the institute of philosophy and art (IPK) of the Leuphana University Lüneburg where he wrote his habilitation thesis.

  2. Bio. "Yoonseo Kang is an open source hardware developer and entrepreneur. Yoonseo aspires toward a world where all designs, tools and material supply chains, and manufacturing techniques of modern technologies are accessible for everyone.

  3. = "echOpen is an open and collaborative project and community, led by a multidisciplinary core of experts and senior professionals with the aim of designing a functional low-cost (affordable) and open source echo-stethoscope (ultrasound probe) connected to a smartphone, allowing diagnostic orientation in medically underserved areas".

  4. 2022年2月23日 · (1) Gnostics are dissatisfied with their situation. (2) They believe that the imperfections of the world result from its poor organization. (3) Gnostics assume that salvation from the evil of the world is possible. (4) They claim that from the corrupt world a better one must evolve in a historical process.

  5. Description. "This paper introduces the conception of open complex giant system and the methodology for dealing with the system, with stress on its profound significance in development of science and technology.

  6. * Chapter: The Well-Field System in Relation to the Asiatic Mode of Production. By Zhao Lisheng; in the Book: The Asiatic Mode of Production in China. Routledge ...

  7. Project Gutenberg Sheet Music Project. = Project Gutenberg volunteers have been engaging in digitizing public domain sheet music, using a variety of techniques, to enable study and performance. For the most part, the musical pieces created have been chamber music, with composers such as Brahms and Beethoven.