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  2. The Prelude Project in Australia has reached a record high of LNG production in November 2021. The Chad block, which CPC has operated since 2006, entered the production stage in February 2020. The first cargo of crude oil produced from the Oryx Field arrived in Taiwan at the end of November 2020.

  3. 台灣中油公司今(9)日於中油大樓舉辦「海外石油及投資公司」(簡稱OPIC )40週年慶活動,會中針對OPIC在中東、非洲、澳洲等地的投資、建廠與經營等案,邀請前董事長潘文炎、朱少華等人分享成功個案,並傳承經驗;台灣中油期望透過OPIC在海外投資及探油 ...

  4. Established in 1976, CAPCO is the major supplier of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) to Taiwan's polyester textile industry; its plant is located in the Taichung Harbor in the island's central region. CPC holds 38.57% of the company's equity, including preferred stock.

  5. 一、能源探採. 1.針對查德Oryx油田地質模式與原始埋藏量、儲集層形貌與三維地質模式滾動更新。. 2.協助完成厄瓜多17號礦區進行延約可行性評估。. 3.完成澳洲西北海域Roebuck盆地石油系統要素分析。. 4.完成北美頁岩油氣產業受COVID-19疫情與疫情後之影響研究。. 5 ...

  6. Importing & Refining. As Taiwan’s domestic production of crude oil yields only extremely low volumes, CPC needs to import virtually all of the crude it refines to supply its domestic market. To ensure stability, CPC works to both maximize procurement on long-term contracts and to diversify its sources of crude.

  7. 具體因應做法如下: 一、增建第三座液化天然氣 (LNG) 接收站. 首要是持續擴充天然氣各項供應設施,中油公司目前僅有永安廠、台中廠兩座LNG 接收站,2013年兩廠合計卸收量約1,250 萬噸,已屆設計能量,故將積極擴建各項LNG 進口及輸儲設施,包括正在進行的台中液化天然氣廠3 座儲槽增建、永安液化天然氣廠航道浚深及提高可靠卸船型容量,並積極爭取獨資興建第三座液化天然氣接收站。 二、供氣來源分散與評估.

  8. 美國Cheniere公司長約首艘液化天然氣 (LNG)載運抵台. 台灣中油公司與美國液化天然氣 (LNG)最大供應商Cheniere公司簽訂25年長約,首艘LNG貨氣由Fuji LNG船載運於今 (10)日抵達台中LNG廠靠卸;這次貨氣抵台除代表台灣中油與美國能源公司開啟長期合作,也為台灣拓展LNG ...

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