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  1. 合作插畫家介紹 小虎day 全職插畫家,醜Q的療癒風格備受喜愛。 老虎是她從小最喜歡的動物,也是她媽媽的生肖。 本次以虎友「龍龍」角色,為龍年帶來好運! 分享至Facebook. 分享至Line. 新的一年,買福袋讓您好運連連,採用環保再生材質製成,並推出可摺疊收納、方便隨身攜帶的肩揹提袋,搭配台灣文創插畫家「小虎day」創作的醜Q龍龍,邀您一同迎向福氣龍年!

  2. Shinkong Mitsukoshi is a leading department store chain in Taiwan, offering a wide range of products and services. You can enjoy shopping, dining, entertainment and more at any of its 15 branches across the island. You can also use coupons, vouchers and online reservation to enhance your experience. Visit Shinkong Mitsukoshi today and discover the best of Taiwan.

  3. 2023韓國商品展|新光三越百貨. 2023韓國商品展. 新光三越百貨提供您最新、最豐富的品牌資訊、流行選擇,以及多項會員福利,包括專屬 優惠、集點回饋等,讓您享受無限好康!想知道跟多分店資訊,立即上新光三越百貨網站, 探索更多精彩。.

  4. 玩轉動漫時代快閃店|新光三越百貨

  5. 防曬機能UPF50+最高等級,能有效阻擋99%的紫外線,全新原紗防曬製作,不懼水洗、永久防曬. ,搭配專屬循環涼風,涼感再升級,讓你穿著外套還能有涼風吹,讓one boy 風扇冰鋒衣陪你對抗今年炎熱的夏天。.

  6. Melvita摩洛哥堅果油再升級!|新光三越百貨

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    Are you ready for the 2023 anniversary sale at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi? If you are a cardholder at the Tianmu branch, you can enjoy exclusive gifts and discounts on various brands and products. Don't miss this chance to shop till you drop and get rewarded with points, Pokemon goodies, and more. Check out the details and join the celebration now.

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