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  1. 台灣民眾黨的柯文哲、執政的民進黨的賴清德和國民黨的侯友宜在該國唯一一場電視直播的總統辯論中就棘手問題展開對峙。 The hopefuls covered a range of topics but the standout issue was their approach to China , which claims Taiwan and has been ramping up military activity around the country in ...

  2. P 無限次摔倒的梗是怎麼來的? (What is the shooting stars meme? A look at the history and origin of the Bag Raiders Song Meme) 12714 431 韓澐 發佈於 2017 年 04 月 17 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字 關於 學習服務介紹 認識 VoiceTube ...

  3. The Ad Hominem Fallacy occurs when someone attacks their opponent's character or. 當有人攻擊對手的性格或個人特徵. personal traits instead of engaging with the actual argument being presented. 而不是參與所提出的實際論點時,就是訴諸人身謬誤。 This tactic is used to undermine the opponent's position by discrediting them personally, 這種策略是透過抹黑對手的個人聲譽來破壞對手的立場,

  4. 你會怎麼想? When it turned up as evidence in a court case, a New Zealand judge convicted the sender of stalking, sentencing him to eight months in jail. 這則訊息真實出現在紐西蘭法庭,法官判決發送者跟蹤騷擾罪,並處以八個月徒刑。 The judge reasoned that the words plus emoji combined to convey an actual threat. 法官解釋,當那些訊息內容加上表情符號就構成了要脅。 What about this one? 那這個呢? Fist, point, ambulance?

  5. 第7名: 擒拿手。 He flips his hand on top of yours to assert his dominance. 他瞬間把手轉到你的手之上以宣示主權。 Rumour has it this is the guy who put the "I" in team. 有傳言說,這種人看重自己勝過團隊。 At number 6 it's "The Phantom".

  6. 讓我們一起回顧一下。. 你有沒有迷路的經驗呢? 何嘉仁FunTube看世界【Public Places】 (Public Places) 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:圖書館,迷路,地方,醫院 ...

  7. But save some energy for the battle of our lifetimes. ...A battle that can open the door to solving all of these things. It's time to put corporations back in their place and to put people back in charge of our democracy. In season of The Story of Stuff we looked at system that. 字幕與單字. B1 中級. 民主失竊的故事The Story of ...