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  1. A2 初級 中文 英國腔 困境 生活 代表 對抗 摧毀 小孩. 人生好難,要如何堅強面對生活困境?. (Resilience In Hard Times) 101371 7349. Zoey 發佈於 2020 年 07 月 18 日. 分享.

  2. It is not death most people are afraid of. 人們最害怕的其實不是死亡。. It is getting to the end of life only to realize that you never truly lived. 而是來到生命終點,卻發現自己從未認真活過。. There was a study done, a hospital study, on 100 elderly people facing death, 有一項醫學研究,針對 100 位 ...

  3. 沈沒112年的鐵達尼號「最新影像」顯示船上標誌性的欄杆已經斷裂 (New images of Titanic show the ship's iconic railing has broken off) 現在台日最火紅卡通人物「吉伊卡哇」究竟何方神聖?. (Meet Japan's Cutest Obsession - Chiikawa ちいかわ) 學習語言就是要大膽、有自信!. (What ...

  4. 這句經典台詞出自《魔鬼終結者》,阿諾史瓦辛格在裡面飾演來自未來的機器人,這部片超讚。 You can use this with your friends. You can use this in common everyday situations where you have to leave some place, 這句話可以用在朋友之間,也蠻適合用在各種情況的,比方說你得離開某個地方, but you wanna tell people in kind of a funny way that you plan on coming back, 但是又想幽默地告訴其他人你會回來的時候, you can say, "I will be back." 你就可以低沈的說:「我會回來的」

  5. 對於他人的眼光,你在乎的越少,就會有越多人真正喜歡你。. It's why we're all so attracted to people who come across as authentic or real, and we're so turned off by fake people. 這就是為什麼我們都被那些給人感覺可靠、真實的人所吸引,而不喜歡虛偽的人。. And authentic and fake are just ...

  6. If there is higher expectations placed on you, then you're more likely to work harder and want to live up to those expectations. 當有人對你有比較高的期待時,就有可能促使你更認真,讓你達到他們的期望。. Similarly, if someone thinks you're supposed to be the responsible one, you're more likely to take on that ...

  7. 況且,有那麼多其他優美的選項,為什麼還要繼續用這麼幼稚的形容呢?. So I'm going to give you 10 alternatives to the word cute, 所以今天我要教大家 10 個可愛的替代詞,. and I invite you to write any additional options down in the comments below. 大家如果有想到其他替代詞,也歡迎在下 ...

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