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  1. "Neighbourhood Parliaments are a the ultimate celebration of democracy in its truest sense. This handy book covers the knowledge, skills and tools required to run such parliaments. More importantly, it covers promising practices. It is a must read for everyone interested in grassroots democracy." Categories: Democracy. Books.

  2. What do we stand for? Saving, investment and yield with B of Joy. Unlike the current banks we do not, as a full reserve bank, lend out more money than we have received. Next to Financial returns, B of Joy also gives Ecological, Emotional and Social (F.E.E.S) returns. We invest in local economies, in innovation and in Small and Medium Enterprises.

  3. Definition. "Symmathesy (Noun): An entity composed by contextual mutual learning through interaction. This process of interaction and mutual learning takes place in living entities at larger or smaller scales of symmathesy. Symmathesy (Verb): to interact within multiple variables to produce a mutual learning context."

  4. This chapter explores historical ideas of Chinese (huaxia) identity through an examination of ethnic concepts implied in historical writings on the Five Dynasties, completed in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries.

  5. Notably, Andrew Feenberg describes “operational autonomy” as a facet of capitalist ownership that incorporates autonomous potential into organisation, machinic, and workflow processes: Operational autonomy is the power to make strategic choices among alternative rationalizations without regard for externalities, customary practice, workers ...

  6. Bonnitta is the author of the popular Medium publication Future at Work. She is an associate editor of Integral Review where you can also find her articles on process approaches to consciousness, perception, and metaphysics." ( ) More Information.

  7. This article proposes to introduce the concept of “homecasting” (as distinct from broadcasting and narrowcasting) as a step towards designing a meaningful framework for understanding the current mediascape and the technological, social, and cultural forces shaping it.

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