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  1. We also dedicate these pages to the memory of Lawrence J. Rhoades, pioneer of distributed digital production, who passed away last year. The category was originally proposed and constructed by Franz Nahrada, and aims to encompass every form of design, including of hardware (i.e. Free Hardware Design ) and physical production, that can benefit from peer production and open design methodologies.

  2. 2009年1月12日 · Rapid Manufacturing has developed as the next stage, in which the need for tooling is eliminated. It has been shown that it is economically feasible to use existing commercial Rapid Prototyping systems to manufacture series parts in quantities of up to 20,000 and customised parts in quantities of hundreds of thousands.

  3. "The Arduino microcontroller is a principle representative of the microcontrollers commonly used in art and design. Others in the field include Wiring, Making Things, PIC, and the Basic Stamp. The Arduino microcontroller was originally created as an educational platform for a class project at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in 2005.

  4. Cosmolocalism stands for a transformation in how we produce the stuff of life. It is a contested space with no guarantees. There are patent wars and appropriations of IP, the challenges in building and financing open source and open design start ups, creating urban commons ecosystems, and a variety of other challenges.

  5. J Joy Tang P Paracity Polis Q Qalang Smangus Tribal Commons in Northern Taiwan S Shun-Ling Chen Sunflower Movement T Taiwan Indigenous Conserved Territories Union U Urban Commoning in East Asia V V-Taiwan Process VTaiwan Retrieved from "" ...

  6. The SKDB project simplifies the process of searching for free hardware designs, comparing part compatibility, building lists of materials and components, and determining where to get them by organizing them into packages. The SKDB project is like apt-get (in Debian) or Maven (in Java), but for real stuff.

  7. Under Mann J’s interpretation aspects of design dictated solely by manufacturing technique or necessitated by sound engineering design will be likely to fall within it. As noted by the Court of Appeal in Landa & Hawa International v Azure53 this provision seeks to prevent a designer gaining a monopoly over a particular way of making a type of ...

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