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    KK [ˋloˋki]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 調子低的;抑制的
    • 2. 【攝】暗調的

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  2. 2017年7月26日. 英語 (美國) There slang terms. The phrase low key/high key is like a way to express how someone feels about something for example. "I low key don't wanna go to the park" (Implying that on the inside he doesn't want to go to the park but is not open about it) As for high key its the opposite. "I high key want to go to the ...

  3. Low key has been used for a while to mean low-pressure, laid back, or relaxed (usually socially). "Don't worry about dressing up, his parties are usually super low-key." Lowkey (without the space is more common, I think) is a newer/younger adjective/adverb meaning subtle/subtley.

  4. low-key salty的意思 英語 (美國) 法語 (法國) 德語 意大利語 日語 韓語 波蘭語 葡萄牙語 (巴西) 葡萄牙語 (葡萄牙) 俄語 中文 (簡體) 西班牙語 (墨西哥) 中文 (繁體,臺灣) 土耳其語 越南語

  5. low key 的同義字Low Profile: Don't attract attention. Think a celebrity covering up with a mask, sunglasses and a hat. "Keep a low profile" means like "don't stand out", "blend in", "don't be noticed" Low Key: Simple or Modest. Opposite of rowdy. Think cooking at home with your boyfriend (instead of going out to a club). "You can come over, but our neighbors were upset after our noisy ...

  6. keep it low key的意思Low key = subtle. Example: "Do it sublty". 英語 (美國) 法語 (法國) 德語 意大利語 日語 韓語 波蘭語 葡萄牙語 (巴西) 葡萄牙語 (葡萄牙) 俄語 中文 (簡體) 西班牙語 (墨西哥) 中文 (繁體,臺灣) 土耳其語 越南語

  7. 2017年8月4日 · stay low key的意思"Low key" is slag for modest, restrained, subtle or not intense. For example, you could say "I low key like him." Which would mean you like him, but not intensely.|Stay under cover Don't make it obvious.

  8. Lowkey 的意思'subtley' or 'not obviously' "keep it lowkey" means don't act in a way that would draw attention/stay quiet/don't tell anyone about this it's also used to mean 'not much' "he's lowkey kinda fat" means he is fat, but not massively so/not obviously/not much|It is slang. It means “slightly” or “kind of” “She is lowkey mean” = “She is kind of mean” |Lowkey is a term ...

  9. "your thingare low key relatable, tho"的意思The sentence is slang. "Your thing is low-key relatable, tho" The term "Low-key" is used in a way to say "to keep it real." It's a way to emphasize. For example, "Look, it's low-key dark. I'm not going outside." The term "tho" is just a shortened spelling of the word "though" The sentence as a whole is you telling them that what they said is ...

  10. 2019年5月4日 · 免費向母語者提出問題. “I’m low-key mad”的意思I'm kind of angry, I'm slightly angry I'm angry but I don't want to be obvious about it|The phrase “low-key” is slang, it’s commonly used to describe something as slight or quiet. The opposite, “high-key”, describes something as stronger or more obvious.

  11. keep it low的意思@sewll_ “keep it low” can mean try to hide. basically try to hide something so it doesn’t get attention. you can also use “keep it down as an alternative. e.g person a: I’m going to steal the chocolate person b. Okay keep it low/down, don’t let anyone find out.

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