Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. The Social VPN Project This is a free and open-source P2P Social Virtual Private Network (VPN) that seamlessly networks your computer with the computers of your friends so that: Your computer can communicate directly to computers of your friends, and all communication is encrypted and authenticated.

  2. Essentially a VPN creates your own private, encrypted channel that runs alongside the normal Internet. From within China, a VPN connects you with an Internet server somewhere else. You pass your browsing and downloading requests to that American or Finnish or Japanese server, and it finds and sends back what you’re looking for.

  3. The third stage is to use packet tunelling/vpn technology *inside existing infrastructure* to engage in networking that is opportunistically peer-to-peer. As more and more people engage each each other directly when they have the opportunity, the opportunities to do so will multiply.

  4. (also for Linux) and Social VPN: Run the installer and they just work with one click every time you get to a blocked website. Anonymizer Sites & Services: "there are two general types: networked and single-point. There is one known networked ...

  5. They are sometimes referred to as the Starbucks society, since that is the preferred meeting place of the neo-nomads. Bill Thompson: "the neo-nomad mentality ... is the pattern of working life that defines a nomad, with no office, colleagues who are largely engaged with online and often a number of overlapping projects to be juggled and managed ...

  6. A fast and trustworthy foundation on which to build applications: Byzantine fault-tolerant P2P computation and storage.Askemos creates an “autonomous virtual execution environment for applications” - designed to be tamper-proof and fault tolerant. Users share not only static files but dynamic objects too.

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